[英]Cast result object to a nodelist. Always issues an error.
代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm
* Use an XPath string to select a nodelist.
* XPath namespace prefixes are resolved from the namespaceNode.
* @param contextNode The node to start searching from.
* @param str A valid XPath string.
* @param namespaceNode The node from which prefixes in the XPath will be resolved to namespaces.
* @return A NodeIterator, should never be null.
* @throws TransformerException
public static NodeIterator selectNodeIterator(
Node contextNode, String str, Node namespaceNode)
throws TransformerException
// Execute the XPath, and have it return the result
XObject list = eval(contextNode, str, namespaceNode);
// Have the XObject return its result as a NodeSetDTM.
return list.nodeset();
代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm
* Use an XPath string to select a nodelist.
* XPath namespace prefixes are resolved from the namespaceNode.
* @param contextNode The node to start searching from.
* @param str A valid XPath string.
* @param namespaceNode The node from which prefixes in the XPath will be resolved to namespaces.
* @return A NodeIterator, should never be null.
* @throws TransformerException
public NodeIterator selectNodeIterator(
Node contextNode, String str, Node namespaceNode)
throws TransformerException
// Execute the XPath, and have it return the result
XObject list = eval(contextNode, str, namespaceNode);
// Have the XObject return its result as a NodeSetDTM.
return list.nodeset();
代码示例来源:origin: xalan/xalan
* Use an XPath string to select a nodelist.
* XPath namespace prefixes are resolved from the namespaceNode.
* @param contextNode The node to start searching from.
* @param str A valid XPath string.
* @param namespaceNode The node from which prefixes in the XPath will be resolved to namespaces.
* @return A NodeIterator, should never be null.
* @throws TransformerException
public NodeIterator selectNodeIterator(
Node contextNode, String str, Node namespaceNode)
throws TransformerException
// Execute the XPath, and have it return the result
XObject list = eval(contextNode, str, namespaceNode);
// Have the XObject return its result as a NodeSetDTM.
return list.nodeset();
代码示例来源:origin: xalan/xalan
* Use an XPath string to select a nodelist.
* XPath namespace prefixes are resolved from the namespaceNode.
* @param contextNode The node to start searching from.
* @param str A valid XPath string.
* @param namespaceNode The node from which prefixes in the XPath will be resolved to namespaces.
* @return A NodeIterator, should never be null.
* @throws TransformerException
public static NodeIterator selectNodeIterator(
Node contextNode, String str, Node namespaceNode)
throws TransformerException
// Execute the XPath, and have it return the result
XObject list = eval(contextNode, str, namespaceNode);
// Have the XObject return its result as a NodeSetDTM.
return list.nodeset();
代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm
private Object getResultAsType( XObject resultObject, QName returnType )
throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException {
// XPathConstants.STRING
if ( returnType.equals( XPathConstants.STRING ) ) {
return resultObject.str();
// XPathConstants.NUMBER
if ( returnType.equals( XPathConstants.NUMBER ) ) {
return new Double ( resultObject.num());
// XPathConstants.BOOLEAN
if ( returnType.equals( XPathConstants.BOOLEAN ) ) {
return new Boolean( resultObject.bool());
// XPathConstants.NODESET ---ORdered, UNOrdered???
if ( returnType.equals( XPathConstants.NODESET ) ) {
return resultObject.nodelist();
// XPathConstants.NODE
if ( returnType.equals( XPathConstants.NODE ) ) {
NodeIterator ni = resultObject.nodeset();
//Return the first node, or null
return ni.nextNode();
String fmsg = XSLMessages.createXPATHMessage(
new Object[] { returnType.toString()});
throw new IllegalArgumentException( fmsg );
代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm
NodeIterator ni = resultObject.nodeset();
代码示例来源:origin: xalan/xalan
private Object getResultAsType( XObject resultObject, QName returnType )
throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException {
// XPathConstants.STRING
if ( returnType.equals( XPathConstants.STRING ) ) {
return resultObject.str();
// XPathConstants.NUMBER
if ( returnType.equals( XPathConstants.NUMBER ) ) {
return new Double ( resultObject.num());
// XPathConstants.BOOLEAN
if ( returnType.equals( XPathConstants.BOOLEAN ) ) {
return resultObject.bool() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
// XPathConstants.NODESET ---ORdered, UNOrdered???
if ( returnType.equals( XPathConstants.NODESET ) ) {
return resultObject.nodelist();
// XPathConstants.NODE
if ( returnType.equals( XPathConstants.NODE ) ) {
NodeIterator ni = resultObject.nodeset();
//Return the first node, or null
return ni.nextNode();
String fmsg = XSLMessages.createXPATHMessage(
new Object[] { returnType.toString()});
throw new IllegalArgumentException( fmsg );
代码示例来源:origin: xalan/xalan
NodeIterator ni = resultObject.nodeset();
代码示例来源:origin: plutext/docx4j
NodeIterator ni = xo.nodeset();
result = ni.nextNode();
Node nextNode = ni.nextNode();
result = xo.nodeset().nextNode();
代码示例来源:origin: xalan/xalan
result = m_resultObj.nodeset();
} catch (TransformerException te) {
throw new XPathException(XPathException.TYPE_ERR,te.getMessage());
代码示例来源:origin: org.freemarker/freemarker
NodeListModel result = new NodeListModel(node);
result.xpathSupport = this;
NodeIterator nodeIterator = xresult.nodeset();
Node n;
do {
代码示例来源:origin: xalan/xalan
(javaClass == java.lang.Object.class) )
return xobj.nodeset();
代码示例来源:origin: xalan/xalan
m_iterator = m_resultObj.nodeset();
} catch (TransformerException te) {
代码示例来源:origin: MobiVM/robovm
* Use an XPath string to select a nodelist.
* XPath namespace prefixes are resolved from the namespaceNode.
* @param contextNode The node to start searching from.
* @param str A valid XPath string.
* @param namespaceNode The node from which prefixes in the XPath will be resolved to namespaces.
* @return A NodeIterator, should never be null.
* @throws TransformerException
public static NodeIterator selectNodeIterator(
Node contextNode, String str, Node namespaceNode)
throws TransformerException
// Execute the XPath, and have it return the result
XObject list = eval(contextNode, str, namespaceNode);
// Have the XObject return its result as a NodeSetDTM.
return list.nodeset();
代码示例来源:origin: MobiVM/robovm
* Use an XPath string to select a nodelist.
* XPath namespace prefixes are resolved from the namespaceNode.
* @param contextNode The node to start searching from.
* @param str A valid XPath string.
* @param namespaceNode The node from which prefixes in the XPath will be resolved to namespaces.
* @return A NodeIterator, should never be null.
* @throws TransformerException
public NodeIterator selectNodeIterator(
Node contextNode, String str, Node namespaceNode)
throws TransformerException
// Execute the XPath, and have it return the result
XObject list = eval(contextNode, str, namespaceNode);
// Have the XObject return its result as a NodeSetDTM.
return list.nodeset();
代码示例来源:origin: ibinti/bugvm
* Use an XPath string to select a nodelist.
* XPath namespace prefixes are resolved from the namespaceNode.
* @param contextNode The node to start searching from.
* @param str A valid XPath string.
* @param namespaceNode The node from which prefixes in the XPath will be resolved to namespaces.
* @return A NodeIterator, should never be null.
* @throws TransformerException
public static NodeIterator selectNodeIterator(
Node contextNode, String str, Node namespaceNode)
throws TransformerException
// Execute the XPath, and have it return the result
XObject list = eval(contextNode, str, namespaceNode);
// Have the XObject return its result as a NodeSetDTM.
return list.nodeset();
代码示例来源:origin: ibinti/bugvm
* Use an XPath string to select a nodelist.
* XPath namespace prefixes are resolved from the namespaceNode.
* @param contextNode The node to start searching from.
* @param str A valid XPath string.
* @param namespaceNode The node from which prefixes in the XPath will be resolved to namespaces.
* @return A NodeIterator, should never be null.
* @throws TransformerException
public NodeIterator selectNodeIterator(
Node contextNode, String str, Node namespaceNode)
throws TransformerException
// Execute the XPath, and have it return the result
XObject list = eval(contextNode, str, namespaceNode);
// Have the XObject return its result as a NodeSetDTM.
return list.nodeset();
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.xalan/com.springsource.org.apache.xalan
* Use an XPath string to select a nodelist.
* XPath namespace prefixes are resolved from the namespaceNode.
* @param contextNode The node to start searching from.
* @param str A valid XPath string.
* @param namespaceNode The node from which prefixes in the XPath will be resolved to namespaces.
* @return A NodeIterator, should never be null.
* @throws TransformerException
public static NodeIterator selectNodeIterator(
Node contextNode, String str, Node namespaceNode)
throws TransformerException
// Execute the XPath, and have it return the result
XObject list = eval(contextNode, str, namespaceNode);
// Have the XObject return its result as a NodeSetDTM.
return list.nodeset();
代码示例来源:origin: com.mobidevelop.robovm/robovm-rt
* Use an XPath string to select a nodelist.
* XPath namespace prefixes are resolved from the namespaceNode.
* @param contextNode The node to start searching from.
* @param str A valid XPath string.
* @param namespaceNode The node from which prefixes in the XPath will be resolved to namespaces.
* @return A NodeIterator, should never be null.
* @throws TransformerException
public NodeIterator selectNodeIterator(
Node contextNode, String str, Node namespaceNode)
throws TransformerException
// Execute the XPath, and have it return the result
XObject list = eval(contextNode, str, namespaceNode);
// Have the XObject return its result as a NodeSetDTM.
return list.nodeset();
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.taglibs/com.springsource.org.apache.taglibs.standard
* Returns a NodeIterator from an XObject.
* @param list The XObject from which a NodeIterator is returned.
* @return A NodeIterator, should never be null.
* @throws JspTagException
private static NodeIterator getNodeIterator(XObject list)
throws JspTagException {
try {
return list.nodeset();
} catch (TransformerException ex) {
throw new JspTagException(
Resources.getMessage("XPATH_ERROR_XOBJECT", ex.toString()), ex);