[英]For functions to override.
代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm
* Cast result object to a result tree fragment.
* @param support XPath context to use for the conversion
* @return the objec as a result tree fragment.
public int rtf(XPathContext support)
int result = rtf();
if (DTM.NULL == result)
DTM frag = support.createDocumentFragment();
// %OPT%
result = frag.getDocument();
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: xalan/xalan
* Cast result object to a result tree fragment.
* @param support XPath context to use for the conversion
* @return the objec as a result tree fragment.
public int rtf(XPathContext support)
int result = rtf();
if (DTM.NULL == result)
DTM frag = support.createDocumentFragment();
// %OPT%
result = frag.getDocument();
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm
* Cast result object to a result tree fragment.
* @param support XPath context to use for the conversion
* @return the objec as a result tree fragment.
public DocumentFragment rtree(XPathContext support)
DocumentFragment docFrag = null;
int result = rtf();
if (DTM.NULL == result)
DTM frag = support.createDocumentFragment();
// %OPT%
docFrag = (DocumentFragment)frag.getNode(frag.getDocument());
DTM frag = support.getDTM(result);
docFrag = (DocumentFragment)frag.getNode(frag.getDocument());
return docFrag;
代码示例来源:origin: robovm/robovm
int doc = obj.rtf();
DTM dtm = support.getDTM(doc);
代码示例来源:origin: xalan/xalan
* Cast result object to a result tree fragment.
* @param support XPath context to use for the conversion
* @return the objec as a result tree fragment.
public DocumentFragment rtree(XPathContext support)
DocumentFragment docFrag = null;
int result = rtf();
if (DTM.NULL == result)
DTM frag = support.createDocumentFragment();
// %OPT%
docFrag = (DocumentFragment)frag.getNode(frag.getDocument());
DTM frag = support.getDTM(result);
docFrag = (DocumentFragment)frag.getNode(frag.getDocument());
return docFrag;
代码示例来源:origin: xalan/xalan
int doc = obj.rtf();
DTM dtm = support.getDTM(doc);
代码示例来源:origin: ibinti/bugvm
* Cast result object to a result tree fragment.
* @param support XPath context to use for the conversion
* @return the objec as a result tree fragment.
public int rtf(XPathContext support)
int result = rtf();
if (DTM.NULL == result)
DTM frag = support.createDocumentFragment();
// %OPT%
result = frag.getDocument();
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: FlexoVM/flexovm
* Cast result object to a result tree fragment.
* @param support XPath context to use for the conversion
* @return the objec as a result tree fragment.
public int rtf(XPathContext support)
int result = rtf();
if (DTM.NULL == result)
DTM frag = support.createDocumentFragment();
// %OPT%
result = frag.getDocument();
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.xalan/com.springsource.org.apache.xalan
* Cast result object to a result tree fragment.
* @param support XPath context to use for the conversion
* @return the objec as a result tree fragment.
public int rtf(XPathContext support)
int result = rtf();
if (DTM.NULL == result)
DTM frag = support.createDocumentFragment();
// %OPT%
result = frag.getDocument();
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: com.bugvm/bugvm-rt
* Cast result object to a result tree fragment.
* @param support XPath context to use for the conversion
* @return the objec as a result tree fragment.
public int rtf(XPathContext support)
int result = rtf();
if (DTM.NULL == result)
DTM frag = support.createDocumentFragment();
// %OPT%
result = frag.getDocument();
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xalan
* Cast result object to a result tree fragment.
* @param support XPath context to use for the conversion
* @return the objec as a result tree fragment.
public int rtf(XPathContext support)
int result = rtf();
if (DTM.NULL == result)
DTM frag = support.createDocumentFragment();
// %OPT%
result = frag.getDocument();
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.karaf.bundles/org.apache.karaf.bundles.xalan-2.7.1
* Cast result object to a result tree fragment.
* @param support XPath context to use for the conversion
* @return the objec as a result tree fragment.
public int rtf(XPathContext support)
int result = rtf();
if (DTM.NULL == result)
DTM frag = support.createDocumentFragment();
// %OPT%
result = frag.getDocument();
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: MobiVM/robovm
* Cast result object to a result tree fragment.
* @param support XPath context to use for the conversion
* @return the objec as a result tree fragment.
public int rtf(XPathContext support)
int result = rtf();
if (DTM.NULL == result)
DTM frag = support.createDocumentFragment();
// %OPT%
result = frag.getDocument();
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: com.mobidevelop.robovm/robovm-rt
* Cast result object to a result tree fragment.
* @param support XPath context to use for the conversion
* @return the objec as a result tree fragment.
public int rtf(XPathContext support)
int result = rtf();
if (DTM.NULL == result)
DTM frag = support.createDocumentFragment();
// %OPT%
result = frag.getDocument();
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: com.gluonhq/robovm-rt
* Cast result object to a result tree fragment.
* @param support XPath context to use for the conversion
* @return the objec as a result tree fragment.
public int rtf(XPathContext support)
int result = rtf();
if (DTM.NULL == result)
DTM frag = support.createDocumentFragment();
// %OPT%
result = frag.getDocument();
return result;
代码示例来源:origin: ibinti/bugvm
* Cast result object to a result tree fragment.
* @param support XPath context to use for the conversion
* @return the objec as a result tree fragment.
public DocumentFragment rtree(XPathContext support)
DocumentFragment docFrag = null;
int result = rtf();
if (DTM.NULL == result)
DTM frag = support.createDocumentFragment();
// %OPT%
docFrag = (DocumentFragment)frag.getNode(frag.getDocument());
DTM frag = support.getDTM(result);
docFrag = (DocumentFragment)frag.getNode(frag.getDocument());
return docFrag;
代码示例来源:origin: com.bugvm/bugvm-rt
* Cast result object to a result tree fragment.
* @param support XPath context to use for the conversion
* @return the objec as a result tree fragment.
public DocumentFragment rtree(XPathContext support)
DocumentFragment docFrag = null;
int result = rtf();
if (DTM.NULL == result)
DTM frag = support.createDocumentFragment();
// %OPT%
docFrag = (DocumentFragment)frag.getNode(frag.getDocument());
DTM frag = support.getDTM(result);
docFrag = (DocumentFragment)frag.getNode(frag.getDocument());
return docFrag;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xalan
* Cast result object to a result tree fragment.
* @param support XPath context to use for the conversion
* @return the objec as a result tree fragment.
public DocumentFragment rtree(XPathContext support)
DocumentFragment docFrag = null;
int result = rtf();
if (DTM.NULL == result)
DTM frag = support.createDocumentFragment();
// %OPT%
docFrag = (DocumentFragment)frag.getNode(frag.getDocument());
DTM frag = support.getDTM(result);
docFrag = (DocumentFragment)frag.getNode(frag.getDocument());
return docFrag;
代码示例来源:origin: com.gluonhq/robovm-rt
* Cast result object to a result tree fragment.
* @param support XPath context to use for the conversion
* @return the objec as a result tree fragment.
public DocumentFragment rtree(XPathContext support)
DocumentFragment docFrag = null;
int result = rtf();
if (DTM.NULL == result)
DTM frag = support.createDocumentFragment();
// %OPT%
docFrag = (DocumentFragment)frag.getNode(frag.getDocument());
DTM frag = support.getDTM(result);
docFrag = (DocumentFragment)frag.getNode(frag.getDocument());
return docFrag;
代码示例来源:origin: MobiVM/robovm
* Cast result object to a result tree fragment.
* @param support XPath context to use for the conversion
* @return the objec as a result tree fragment.
public DocumentFragment rtree(XPathContext support)
DocumentFragment docFrag = null;
int result = rtf();
if (DTM.NULL == result)
DTM frag = support.createDocumentFragment();
// %OPT%
docFrag = (DocumentFragment)frag.getNode(frag.getDocument());
DTM frag = support.getDTM(result);
docFrag = (DocumentFragment)frag.getNode(frag.getDocument());
return docFrag;