[英]Creates or updates the text value of the element (or text or attribute) matched by the supplied XPath expression. If the matched element (or text or attribute) does not exist, it is created with the last segment of the XPath expression (but its parent must already exist).
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-client
* Creates or updates the text value of the element (or text or attribute) matched by
* the supplied XPath expression. If the matched element (or text or attribute) does not exist,
* it is created with the last segment of the XPath expression (but its parent must already exist).
* @param key an XPath expression.
* @param value the value to set (may be null).
* @return the previous value of the matched element (may be null).
* @throws RuntimeException if the root element of this XMap is null, if the XPath expression is not valid,
* or (creation case) if the parent node does not exist or is not an element instance.
public String put(String key, String value) {
return put(key, value, false);
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-client-javafx
* Creates or updates the text value of the element (or text or attribute) matched by
* the supplied XPath expression. If the matched element (or text or attribute) does not exist,
* it is created with the last segment of the XPath expression (but its parent must already exist).
* @param key an XPath expression.
* @param value the value to set (may be null).
* @return the previous value of the matched element (may be null).
* @throws RuntimeException if the root element of this XMap is null, if the XPath expression is not valid,
* or (creation case) if the parent node does not exist or is not an element instance.
public String put(String key, String value) {
return put(key, value, false);
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-client-java
* Creates or updates the text value of the element (or text or attribute) matched by
* the supplied XPath expression. If the matched element (or text or attribute) does not exist,
* it is created with the last segment of the XPath expression (but its parent must already exist).
* @param key an XPath expression.
* @param value the value to set (may be null).
* @return the previous value of the matched element (may be null).
* @throws RuntimeException if the root element of this XMap is null, if the XPath expression is not valid,
* or (creation case) if the parent node does not exist or is not an element instance.
public String put(String key, String value) {
return put(key, value, false);
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-server
* Creates or updates the text value of the element (or text or attribute) matched by
* the supplied XPath expression. If the matched element (or text or attribute) does not exist,
* it is created with the last segment of the XPath expression (but its parent must already exist).
* @param key an XPath expression.
* @param value the value to set (may be null).
* @return the previous value of the matched element (may be null).
* @throws RuntimeException if the root element of this XMap is null, if the XPath expression is not valid,
* or (creation case) if the parent node does not exist or is not an element instance.
public String put(String key, String value) {
return put(key, value, false);
代码示例来源:origin: org.ow2.kerneos.graniteds-osgi/granite-core
@Property(name = "scope", mandatory = false)
private void setScope(String scope) {
this.properties.put("scope", scope);
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-server
protected Destination buildDestination(Adapter adapter) {
Destination destination = super.buildDestination(adapter);
destination.getProperties().put("server", null);
destination.getProperties().put("server/broker-url", brokerUrl);
destination.getProperties().put("server/create-broker", String.valueOf(createBroker));
if (createBroker) {
destination.getProperties().put("server/wait-for-start", String.valueOf(waitForStart));
destination.getProperties().put("server/durable", String.valueOf(durable));
if (durable)
destination.getProperties().put("server/file-store-root", fileStoreRoot);
return destination;
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-server
protected Destination buildDestination(Adapter adapter) {
Destination destination = super.buildDestination(adapter);
destination.getProperties().put("jms", null);
destination.getProperties().put("jms/destination-type", "Topic");
destination.getProperties().put("jms/destination-name", name);
destination.getProperties().put("jms/destination-jndi-name", destinationJndiName);
destination.getProperties().put("jms/connection-factory", connectionFactoryJndiName);
if (textMessages)
destination.getProperties().put("jms/message-type", "javax.jms.TextMessage");
destination.getProperties().put("jms/acknowledge-mode", acknowledgeMode);
destination.getProperties().put("jms/transacted-sessions", String.valueOf(transactedSessions));
destination.getProperties().put("jms/no-local", String.valueOf(isNoLocal()));
return destination;
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-server
protected Destination buildDestination(Adapter adapter) {
List<String> channelIds = new ArrayList<String>();
Destination destination = new Destination(id, channelIds, new XMap(), roles, adapter, null);
destination.getProperties().put("no-local", String.valueOf(noLocal));
destination.getProperties().put("session-selector", String.valueOf(sessionSelector));
if (getSecurizerClassName() != null)
destination.getProperties().put("securizer", securizerClassName);
if (getSecurizer() != null)
return destination;
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-client
factoryId = anno.factory();
else if (this.factories.isEmpty()) {
props.put("scope", anno.scope());
props.put("source", clazz.getName());
log.info("Default POJO factory selected for destination in class: " + clazz.getName() + " with scope: " + anno.scope());
props.put("factory", factoryId);
if (!(anno.source().equals("")))
props.put("source", anno.source());
props.put("securizer", anno.securizer().getName());
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-server
factoryId = anno.factory();
else if (this.factories.isEmpty()) {
props.put("scope", anno.scope());
props.put("source", clazz.getName());
log.info("Default POJO factory selected for destination in class: " + clazz.getName() + " with scope: " + anno.scope());
props.put("factory", factoryId);
if (!(anno.source().equals("")))
props.put("source", anno.source());
props.put("securizer", anno.securizer().getName());
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-server-cdi
public ServiceInvoker<?> getServiceInstance(RemotingMessage request) throws ServiceException {
String messageType = request.getClass().getName();
String destinationId = request.getDestination();
ServicesConfig servicesConfig = GraniteContext.getCurrentInstance().getServicesConfig();
Destination destination = servicesConfig.findDestinationById(messageType, destinationId);
if (destination == null)
throw new ServiceException("No matching destination: " + destinationId);
if (!destination.getProperties().containsKey(TideServiceInvoker.VALIDATOR_CLASS_NAME))
destination.getProperties().put(TideServiceInvoker.VALIDATOR_CLASS_NAME, "org.granite.tide.validation.BeanValidation");
Bean<PersistenceConfiguration> pcBean = (Bean<PersistenceConfiguration>)manager.getBeans(PersistenceConfiguration.class).iterator().next();
PersistenceConfiguration persistenceConfiguration = (PersistenceConfiguration)manager.getReference(pcBean, PersistenceConfiguration.class, manager.createCreationalContext(pcBean));
if (destination.getProperties().containsKey(ENTITY_MANAGER_FACTORY_JNDI_NAME))
else if (destination.getProperties().containsKey(ENTITY_MANAGER_JNDI_NAME))
// Create an instance of the component
CDIServiceInvoker invoker = new CDIServiceInvoker(destination, this);
return invoker;
代码示例来源:origin: org.ow2.kerneos.graniteds-osgi/granite-core
public void start() {
log.debug("Start OSGiDestinationFactory: " + toString());
if (service.findDestinationById(id) == null) {
this.properties.put("factory", factory.getId());
started = true;
} else {
log.error("Destination \"" + id + "\" already registered");
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-server-ejb
public void configure(XMap properties) throws ServiceException {
String sServiceExceptionHandler = properties.get("service-exception-handler");
if (sServiceExceptionHandler == null) {
XMap props = new XMap(properties);
props.put("service-exception-handler", ExtendedServiceExceptionHandler.class.getName());
GraniteConfig config = GraniteContext.getCurrentInstance().getGraniteConfig();
this.lookup = properties.get("lookup");
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-server-cdi
if (sServiceExceptionHandler == null) {
XMap props = new XMap(properties);
props.put("service-exception-handler", "org.granite.messaging.service.ExtendedServiceExceptionHandler");
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-server
factoryProperties.put("lookup", lookup);
factoryProperties.put("enable-exception-logging", String.valueOf(serverFilter.enableExceptionLogging()));
List<String> tideRoles = serverFilter.tideRoles().length == 0 ? null : Arrays.asList(serverFilter.tideRoles());
Destination destination = new Destination(type, channelIds, new XMap(), tideRoles, null, null);
destination.getProperties().put("factory", "tide-" + type + "-factory");
if (!("".equals(serverFilter.entityManagerFactoryJndiName())))
destination.getProperties().put("entity-manager-factory-jndi-name", serverFilter.entityManagerFactoryJndiName());
else if (!("".equals(serverFilter.entityManagerJndiName())))
destination.getProperties().put("entity-manager-jndi-name", serverFilter.entityManagerJndiName());
if (!("".equals(serverFilter.validatorClassName())))
destination.getProperties().put("validator-class-name", serverFilter.validatorClassName());
service.getDestinations().put(type, destination);