[英]Returns a new XMap instance with the first element that matches the supplied XPath expression or null if this XMap root element is null, or if XPath evaluation result is null, or this result is not an Element. Returned XMap contains original child element of the root element of this XMap so modifications made to the child element affect this XMap instance as well.
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-server
public static Channel forElement(XMap element) {
String id = element.get("@id");
String className = element.get("@class");
XMap endPointElt = element.getOne("endpoint");
if (endPointElt == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Excepting a 'endpoint' element in 'channel-definition': " + id);
EndPoint endPoint = EndPoint.forElement(endPointElt);
XMap properties = new XMap(element.getOne("properties"));
return new Channel(id, className, endPoint, properties);
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-server
private void loadCustomInstantiators(XMap element, boolean custom) {
XMap instantiators = element.getOne("instantiators");
if (instantiators != null) {
for (XMap instantiator : instantiators.getAll("instantiator"))
this.instantiators.put(instantiator.get("@type"), instantiator.get("."));
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-client
public static Channel forElement(XMap element) {
String id = element.get("@id");
String className = element.get("@class");
XMap endPointElt = element.getOne("endpoint");
if (endPointElt == null)
throw new RuntimeException("Excepting a 'endpoint' element in 'channel-definition': " + id);
EndPoint endPoint = EndPoint.forElement(endPointElt);
XMap properties = new XMap(element.getOne("properties"));
return new Channel(id, className, endPoint, properties);
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-client-java
private void loadCustomInstantiators(XMap element, boolean custom) {
XMap instantiators = element.getOne("instantiators");
if (instantiators != null) {
for (XMap instantiator : instantiators.getAll("instantiator"))
this.instantiators.put(instantiator.get("@type"), instantiator.get("."));
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-client-javafx
private void loadCustomInstantiators(XMap element, boolean custom) {
XMap instantiators = element.getOne("instantiators");
if (instantiators != null) {
for (XMap instantiator : instantiators.getAll("instantiator"))
this.instantiators.put(instantiator.get("@type"), instantiator.get("."));
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-client
private void loadCustomInstantiators(XMap element, boolean custom) {
XMap instantiators = element.getOne("instantiators");
if (instantiators != null) {
for (XMap instantiator : instantiators.getAll("instantiator"))
this.instantiators.put(instantiator.get("@type"), instantiator.get("."));
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-server
private void loadCustomMethodMatcher(XMap element, boolean custom) {
XMap methodMatcher = element.getOne("method-matcher");
if (methodMatcher != null) {
String type = methodMatcher.get("@type");
try {
this.methodMatcher = (MethodMatcher)TypeUtil.newInstance(type);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GraniteConfigException("Could not construct method matcher: " + type, e);
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-server
private void loadCustomClassGetter(XMap element, boolean custom) {
XMap classGetter = element.getOne("class-getter");
if (classGetter != null) {
String type = classGetter.get("@type");
try {
this.classGetter = (ClassGetter)TypeUtil.newInstance(type);
classGetterSet = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GraniteConfigException("Could not instantiate ClassGetter: " + type, e);
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-client
private void loadCustomClassGetter(XMap element, boolean custom) {
XMap classGetter = element.getOne("class-getter");
if (classGetter != null) {
String type = classGetter.get("@type");
try {
this.classGetter = (ClassGetter)TypeUtil.newInstance(type);
classGetterSet = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GraniteConfigException("Could not instantiate ClassGetter: " + type, e);
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-client-javafx
private void loadCustomClassGetter(XMap element, boolean custom) {
XMap classGetter = element.getOne("class-getter");
if (classGetter != null) {
String type = classGetter.get("@type");
try {
this.classGetter = (ClassGetter)TypeUtil.newInstance(type);
classGetterSet = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GraniteConfigException("Could not instantiate ClassGetter: " + type, e);
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-server
private void loadCustomInvocationListener(XMap element, boolean custom) {
XMap invocationListener = element.getOne("invocation-listener");
if (invocationListener != null) {
String type = invocationListener.get("@type");
try {
this.invocationListener = (ServiceInvocationListener)TypeUtil.newInstance(type);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GraniteConfigException("Could not instantiate ServiceInvocationListener: " + type, e);
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-client
private void loadCustomAMF3MessageInterceptor(XMap element, boolean custom) {
XMap interceptor = element.getOne("amf3-message-interceptor");
if (interceptor != null) {
String type = interceptor.get("@type");
try {
amf3MessageInterceptor = (AMF3MessageInterceptor)TypeUtil.newInstance(type);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GraniteConfigException("Could not construct amf3 message interceptor: " + type, e);
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-client
private void loadCustomInvocationListener(XMap element, boolean custom) {
XMap invocationListener = element.getOne("invocation-listener");
if (invocationListener != null) {
String type = invocationListener.get("@type");
try {
this.invocationListener = (ServiceInvocationListener)TypeUtil.newInstance(type);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GraniteConfigException("Could not instantiate ServiceInvocationListener: " + type, e);
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-client
private void loadCustomMessageSelector(XMap element, boolean custom) {
XMap selector = element.getOne("message-selector");
if (selector != null) {
String type = selector.get("@type");
try {
messageSelectorConstructor = TypeUtil.getConstructor(type, new Class<?>[]{ String.class });
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GraniteConfigException("Could not construct message selector: " + type, e);
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-client-java
private void loadCustomClassGetter(XMap element, boolean custom) {
XMap classGetter = element.getOne("class-getter");
if (classGetter != null) {
String type = classGetter.get("@type");
try {
this.classGetter = (ClassGetter)TypeUtil.newInstance(type);
classGetterSet = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GraniteConfigException("Could not instantiate ClassGetter: " + type, e);
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-client
private void loadCustomDistributedDataFactory(XMap element, boolean custom) {
XMap distributedDataFactory = element.getOne("distributed-data-factory");
if (distributedDataFactory != null) {
String type = distributedDataFactory.get("@type");
try {
this.distributedDataFactory = (DistributedDataFactory)TypeUtil.newInstance(type);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GraniteConfigException("Could not construct build distributed data factory: " + type, e);
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-client
private void loadCustomMethodMatcher(XMap element, boolean custom) {
XMap methodMatcher = element.getOne("method-matcher");
if (methodMatcher != null) {
String type = methodMatcher.get("@type");
try {
this.methodMatcher = (MethodMatcher)TypeUtil.newInstance(type);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new GraniteConfigException("Could not construct method matcher: " + type, e);
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-client
public static Factory forElement(XMap element) {
String id = element.get("@id");
String className = element.get("@class");
XMap properties = new XMap(element.getOne("properties"));
return new Factory(id, className, properties);
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-server
public static Adapter forElement(XMap element) {
String id = element.get("@id");
String className = element.get("@class");
XMap properties = new XMap(element.getOne("properties"));
return new Adapter(id, className, properties);
代码示例来源:origin: org.graniteds/granite-client
public static Adapter forElement(XMap element) {
String id = element.get("@id");
String className = element.get("@class");
XMap properties = new XMap(element.getOne("properties"));
return new Adapter(id, className, properties);