代码示例来源:origin: GlowstoneMC/Glowstone
config.set(key.path, bukkit.get(key.migratePath));
migrateStatus = true;
config.set("aliases", bukkit.get("aliases"));
config.set("worlds", bukkit.get("worlds"));
代码示例来源:origin: BentoBoxWorld/BentoBox
* Merges a language YAML file to this locale
* @param toBeMerged the YamlConfiguration of the language file
public void merge(YamlConfiguration toBeMerged) {
for (String key : toBeMerged.getKeys(true)) {
if (!key.startsWith("meta") && !config.contains(key)) {
config.set(key, toBeMerged.get(key));
代码示例来源:origin: SkyWars/SkyWars
public long getSetLong(String path, long defaultInt) throws InvalidConfigurationException {
if (config.isInt(path)) {
return config.getLong(path);
} else if (config.contains(path)) {
throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Object " + config.get(path) + " found under " + path + " in file " + configFile.toAbsolutePath() + " is not a long");
} else {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Setting {0} to {1} in file {2}", new Object[]{path, defaultInt, configFile});
config.set(path, defaultInt);
return defaultInt;
代码示例来源:origin: io.github.bedwarsrel/BedwarsRel-Common
public McStatsMetrics(final Plugin plugin) throws IOException {
if (plugin == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Plugin cannot be null");
this.plugin = plugin;
// load the config
configurationFile = getConfigFile();
configuration = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(configurationFile);
// add some defaults
configuration.addDefault("opt-out", false);
configuration.addDefault("guid", UUID.randomUUID().toString());
configuration.addDefault("debug", false);
// Do we need to create the file?
if (configuration.get("guid", null) == null) {
// Load the guid then
guid = configuration.getString("guid");
debug = configuration.getBoolean("debug", false);
代码示例来源:origin: io.github.bedwarsrel/BedwarsRel-Common
public String getString(String path) {
if (super.get(path) == null) {
.pluginMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "No translation found for: \"" + path + "\""));
return ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', super.getString(path));
代码示例来源:origin: SkyWars/SkyWars
public boolean getSetBoolean(String path, boolean defaultBoolean) throws InvalidConfigurationException {
if (config.isBoolean(path)) {
return config.getBoolean(path);
} else if (config.contains(path)) {
throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Object " + config.get(path) + " found under " + path + " in file " + configFile.toAbsolutePath() + " is not a boolean (true/false)");
} else {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Setting {0} to {1} in file {2}", new Object[]{path, defaultBoolean, configFile});
config.set(path, defaultBoolean);
return defaultBoolean;
代码示例来源:origin: SkyWars/SkyWars
public ConfigurationSection getSetSection(String path, Map<String, String> defaultValues) throws InvalidConfigurationException {
if (config.isConfigurationSection(path)) {
return config.getConfigurationSection(path);
} else if (config.contains(path)) {
throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Object " + config.get(path) + " found under " + path + " in file " + configFile + " is not a configuration section");
} else {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Setting {0} to {1} in file {2}", new Object[]{path, defaultValues, configFile});
ConfigurationSection section = config.createSection(path);
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : defaultValues.entrySet()) {
section.set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return section;
代码示例来源:origin: SkyWars/SkyWars
public int getSetInt(String path, int defaultInt) throws InvalidConfigurationException {
if (config.isInt(path)) {
return config.getInt(path);
} else if (config.contains(path)) {
throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Object " + config.get(path) + " found under " + path + " in file " + configFile.toAbsolutePath() + " is not an integer");
} else {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Setting {0} to {1} in file {2}", new Object[]{path, defaultInt, configFile});
config.set(path, defaultInt);
return defaultInt;
代码示例来源:origin: SkyWars/SkyWars
public List<Long> getSetLongList(String path, List<Long> defaultList) throws InvalidConfigurationException {
if (config.isList(path)) {
List<?> unknownList = config.getList(path);
List<Long> longList = new ArrayList<>(unknownList.size());
for (Object obj : unknownList) {
if (obj instanceof Number) {
longList.add(((Number) obj).longValue());
} else {
throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Object " + obj + " found in list " + path + " in file " + configFile.toAbsolutePath() + " is not a number");
return longList;
} else if (config.contains(path)) {
throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Object " + config.get(path) + " found under " + path + " in file " + configFile + " is not a list");
} else {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Setting {0} to {1} in file {2}", new Object[]{path, defaultList, configFile});
config.set(path, defaultList);
return defaultList;
代码示例来源:origin: Hidendra/Plugin-Metrics
public MetricsLite(Plugin plugin) throws IOException {
if (plugin == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Plugin cannot be null");
this.plugin = plugin;
// load the config
configurationFile = getConfigFile();
configuration = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(configurationFile);
// add some defaults
configuration.addDefault("opt-out", false);
configuration.addDefault("guid", UUID.randomUUID().toString());
configuration.addDefault("debug", false);
// Do we need to create the file?
if (configuration.get("guid", null) == null) {
// Load the guid then
guid = configuration.getString("guid");
debug = configuration.getBoolean("debug", false);
代码示例来源:origin: BedwarsRel/BedwarsRel
public String getString(String path) {
if (super.get(path) == null) {
.pluginMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "No translation found for: \"" + path + "\""));
return ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes('&', super.getString(path));
代码示例来源:origin: GlowstoneMC/Glowstone
} else if (key.validator != null) {
Object val = config.get(key.path);
if (!key.validator.test(val)) {
代码示例来源:origin: ChestShop-authors/ChestShop-3
private void convertToMaterial(String sectionPath) {
ConfigurationSection section = configuration.getConfigurationSection(sectionPath);
if (section != null) {
for (String typeId : section.getKeys(false)) {
Material material = Material.matchMaterial(typeId);
if (material != null) {
configuration.set(sectionPath + "." + material.toString().toLowerCase(), configuration.get(sectionPath + "." + typeId));
configuration.set(sectionPath + "." + typeId, null);
代码示例来源:origin: Hidendra/Plugin-Metrics
public Metrics(final Plugin plugin) throws IOException {
if (plugin == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Plugin cannot be null");
this.plugin = plugin;
// load the config
configurationFile = getConfigFile();
configuration = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(configurationFile);
// add some defaults
configuration.addDefault("opt-out", false);
configuration.addDefault("guid", UUID.randomUUID().toString());
configuration.addDefault("debug", false);
// Do we need to create the file?
if (configuration.get("guid", null) == null) {
// Load the guid then
guid = configuration.getString("guid");
debug = configuration.getBoolean("debug", false);
代码示例来源:origin: TotalFreedom/TotalFreedomMod
public Object get(String path)
return defaults.get(path);
代码示例来源:origin: artex-development/Lukkit
protected LuaBoolean exists(String path) {
return yamlConfiguration.get(path) != null ? LuaValue.TRUE : LuaValue.FALSE;
代码示例来源:origin: SkyWars/SkyWars
public String getSetString(String path, String defaultString) throws InvalidConfigurationException {
Object obj = config.get(path);
if (obj instanceof String) {
return (String) obj;
} else if (obj instanceof Integer || obj instanceof Double) {
return obj.toString();
} else if (obj != null) {
throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Object " + config.get(path) + " found under " + path + " in file " + configFile.toAbsolutePath() + " is not a boolean (true/false)");
} else {
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Setting {0} to {1} in file {2}", new Object[]{path, defaultString, configFile});
config.set(path, defaultString);
return defaultString;
代码示例来源:origin: artex-development/Lukkit
public LuaValue getValue(LuaString path) throws StorageObjectException {
return CoerceJavaToLua.coerce(this.yamlConfiguration.get(path.tojstring()));
代码示例来源:origin: artex-development/Lukkit
protected LuaBoolean clearVaule(LuaString path) throws StorageObjectException {
if (this.yamlConfiguration.get(path.checkjstring()) == null) {
this.yamlConfiguration.set(path.checkjstring(), null);
return LuaValue.TRUE;
return LuaValue.FALSE;
代码示例来源:origin: artex-development/Lukkit
public LuaBoolean setDefaultValue(LuaString path, LuaValue value) throws StorageObjectException {
if (this.yamlConfiguration.get(path.checkjstring()) == null) {
this.yamlConfiguration.set(path.checkjstring(), Utilities.getObjectFromLuavalue(value));
return LuaValue.TRUE;
return LuaValue.FALSE;