代码示例来源:origin: roundrop/facebook4j
private void init(JSONObject json) throws FacebookException {
isAdministrator = getBoolean("administrator", json);
代码示例来源:origin: org.facebook4j/facebook4j-core
private void init(JSONObject json) throws FacebookException {
isAdministrator = getBoolean("administrator", json);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles
private void init(JSONObject json) throws FacebookException {
isAdministrator = getBoolean("administrator", json);
代码示例来源:origin: roundrop/facebook4j
private void init(JSONObject json) {
setting = getRawString("setting", json);
value = getBoolean("value", json);
代码示例来源:origin: org.facebook4j/facebook4j-core
private void init(JSONObject json) {
setting = getRawString("setting", json);
value = getBoolean("value", json);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles
private void init(JSONObject json) {
setting = getRawString("setting", json);
value = getBoolean("value", json);
代码示例来源:origin: roundrop/facebook4j
public Map<String, Boolean> block(String pageId, List<String> userIds) throws FacebookException {
String _userIds = z_F4JInternalStringUtil.join(userIds.toArray(new String[userIds.size()]), ",");
HttpResponse res = post(buildEndpoint(pageId, "blocked"), new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("uid", _userIds)});
Map<String, Boolean> blocks = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
JSONObject jsonObject = res.asJSONObject();
Iterator<String> uids = jsonObject.keys();
while (uids.hasNext()) {
String uid = uids.next();
boolean result = getBoolean(uid, jsonObject);
blocks.put(uid, result);
return blocks;
代码示例来源:origin: org.facebook4j/facebook4j-core
public Map<String, Boolean> block(String pageId, List<String> userIds) throws FacebookException {
String _userIds = z_F4JInternalStringUtil.join(userIds.toArray(new String[userIds.size()]), ",");
HttpResponse res = post(buildEndpoint(pageId, "blocked"), new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("uid", _userIds)});
Map<String, Boolean> blocks = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
JSONObject jsonObject = res.asJSONObject();
Iterator<String> uids = jsonObject.keys();
while (uids.hasNext()) {
String uid = uids.next();
boolean result = getBoolean(uid, jsonObject);
blocks.put(uid, result);
return blocks;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles
public Map<String, Boolean> block(String pageId, List<String> userIds) throws FacebookException {
String _userIds = z_F4JInternalStringUtil.join(userIds.toArray(new String[userIds.size()]), ",");
HttpResponse res = post(buildEndpoint(pageId, "blocked"), new HttpParameter[]{new HttpParameter("uid", _userIds)});
Map<String, Boolean> blocks = new HashMap<String, Boolean>();
JSONObject jsonObject = res.asJSONObject();
Iterator<String> uids = jsonObject.keys();
while (uids.hasNext()) {
String uid = uids.next();
boolean result = getBoolean(uid, jsonObject);
blocks.put(uid, result);
return blocks;
代码示例来源:origin: roundrop/facebook4j
/*package*/PictureJSONImpl(JSONObject json) throws FacebookException {
try {
JSONObject pictureJSONObject = json.getJSONObject("data");
url = z_F4JInternalParseUtil.getURL("url", pictureJSONObject);
isSilhouette = z_F4JInternalParseUtil.getBoolean("is_silhouette", pictureJSONObject);
} catch (JSONException jsone) {
throw new FacebookException(jsone);
/*package*/PictureJSONImpl(URL url) {
代码示例来源:origin: org.facebook4j/facebook4j-core
/*package*/PictureJSONImpl(JSONObject json) throws FacebookException {
try {
JSONObject pictureJSONObject = json.getJSONObject("data");
url = z_F4JInternalParseUtil.getURL("url", pictureJSONObject);
isSilhouette = z_F4JInternalParseUtil.getBoolean("is_silhouette", pictureJSONObject);
} catch (JSONException jsone) {
throw new FacebookException(jsone);
/*package*/PictureJSONImpl(URL url) {
代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles
/*package*/PictureJSONImpl(JSONObject json) throws FacebookException {
try {
JSONObject pictureJSONObject = json.getJSONObject("data");
url = z_F4JInternalParseUtil.getURL("url", pictureJSONObject);
isSilhouette = z_F4JInternalParseUtil.getBoolean("is_silhouette", pictureJSONObject);
} catch (JSONException jsone) {
throw new FacebookException(jsone);
/*package*/PictureJSONImpl(URL url) {
代码示例来源:origin: org.facebook4j/facebook4j-core
private void init(JSONObject json) throws FacebookException {
try {
id = getRawString("id", json);
name = getRawString("name", json);
link = getURL("link", json);
if (!json.isNull("application")) {
application = new IdNameEntityJSONImpl(json.getJSONObject("application"));
customName = getRawString("custom_name", json);
isPermanent = getBoolean("is_permanent", json);
position = getInt("position", json);
isNonConnectionLandingTab = getBoolean("is_non_connection_landing_tab", json);
imageURL = getURL("image_url", json);
customImageURL = getURL("custom_image_url", json);
} catch (JSONException jsone) {
throw new FacebookException(jsone);
代码示例来源:origin: roundrop/facebook4j
private void init(JSONObject json) throws FacebookException {
try {
id = getRawString("id", json);
name = getRawString("name", json);
link = getURL("link", json);
if (!json.isNull("application")) {
application = new IdNameEntityJSONImpl(json.getJSONObject("application"));
customName = getRawString("custom_name", json);
isPermanent = getBoolean("is_permanent", json);
position = getInt("position", json);
isNonConnectionLandingTab = getBoolean("is_non_connection_landing_tab", json);
imageURL = getURL("image_url", json);
customImageURL = getURL("custom_image_url", json);
} catch (JSONException jsone) {
throw new FacebookException(jsone);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles
private void init(JSONObject json) throws FacebookException {
try {
id = getRawString("id", json);
name = getRawString("name", json);
link = getURL("link", json);
if (!json.isNull("application")) {
application = new IdNameEntityJSONImpl(json.getJSONObject("application"));
customName = getRawString("custom_name", json);
isPermanent = getBoolean("is_permanent", json);
position = getInt("position", json);
isNonConnectionLandingTab = getBoolean("is_non_connection_landing_tab", json);
imageURL = getURL("image_url", json);
customImageURL = getURL("custom_image_url", json);
} catch (JSONException jsone) {
throw new FacebookException(jsone);
代码示例来源:origin: roundrop/facebook4j
private void init(JSONObject json) throws FacebookException {
try {
id = getRawString("id", json);
if (!json.isNull("from")) {
JSONObject fromJSONObject = json.getJSONObject("from");
from = new IdNameEntityJSONImpl(fromJSONObject);
subject = getRawString("subject", json);
message = getRawString("message", json);
icon = getURL("icon", json);
createdTime = getISO8601Datetime("created_time", json);
updatedTime = getISO8601Datetime("updated_time", json);
revision = getLong("revision", json);
canEdit = getBoolean("can_edit", json);
canDelete = getBoolean("can_delete", json);
} catch (JSONException jsone) {
throw new FacebookException(jsone.getMessage(), jsone);
代码示例来源:origin: org.facebook4j/facebook4j-core
private void init(JSONObject json) throws FacebookException {
try {
id = getRawString("id", json);
if (!json.isNull("from")) {
JSONObject fromJSONObject = json.getJSONObject("from");
from = new IdNameEntityJSONImpl(fromJSONObject);
subject = getRawString("subject", json);
message = getRawString("message", json);
icon = getURL("icon", json);
createdTime = getISO8601Datetime("created_time", json);
updatedTime = getISO8601Datetime("updated_time", json);
revision = getLong("revision", json);
canEdit = getBoolean("can_edit", json);
canDelete = getBoolean("can_delete", json);
} catch (JSONException jsone) {
throw new FacebookException(jsone.getMessage(), jsone);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles
private void init(JSONObject json) throws FacebookException {
try {
id = getRawString("id", json);
if (!json.isNull("from")) {
JSONObject fromJSONObject = json.getJSONObject("from");
from = new IdNameEntityJSONImpl(fromJSONObject);
subject = getRawString("subject", json);
message = getRawString("message", json);
icon = getURL("icon", json);
createdTime = getISO8601Datetime("created_time", json);
updatedTime = getISO8601Datetime("updated_time", json);
revision = getLong("revision", json);
canEdit = getBoolean("can_edit", json);
canDelete = getBoolean("can_delete", json);
} catch (JSONException jsone) {
throw new FacebookException(jsone.getMessage(), jsone);
代码示例来源:origin: org.facebook4j/facebook4j-core
private void init(JSONObject json) throws FacebookException {
try {
if (!json.isNull("from")) {
JSONObject fromJSONObject = json.getJSONObject("from");
from = new IdNameEntityJSONImpl(fromJSONObject);
} else {
from = null;
if (!json.isNull("to")) {
JSONObject toJSONObject = json.getJSONObject("to");
to = new IdNameEntityJSONImpl(toJSONObject);
} else {
to = null;
createdTime = getISO8601Datetime("created_time", json);
message = getRawString("message", json);
unread = getBoolean("unread", json);
} catch (JSONException jsone) {
throw new FacebookException(jsone.getMessage(), jsone);
代码示例来源:origin: roundrop/facebook4j
private void init(JSONObject json) throws FacebookException {
try {
if (!json.isNull("from")) {
JSONObject fromJSONObject = json.getJSONObject("from");
from = new IdNameEntityJSONImpl(fromJSONObject);
} else {
from = null;
if (!json.isNull("to")) {
JSONObject toJSONObject = json.getJSONObject("to");
to = new IdNameEntityJSONImpl(toJSONObject);
} else {
to = null;
createdTime = getISO8601Datetime("created_time", json);
message = getRawString("message", json);
unread = getBoolean("unread", json);
} catch (JSONException jsone) {
throw new FacebookException(jsone.getMessage(), jsone);