[英]Parses the value of a field as a timezone offset in hours. A timezone offset is the value added to UTC time to get the user's local time. A date/time reference point must be provided because the offset may differ based on the date/time for which it is to be computed, for example because of daylight savings.
代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles
public static Date getISO8601Datetime(String name, JSONObject json) throws FacebookException {
String dateString = getRawString(name, json);
if (dateString == null) {
return null;
if (json.isNull("timezone")) {
return parseISO8601Date(dateString);
} else {
TimeZone timezone = getTimeZone("timezone", json);
return parseISO8601Date(dateString, timezone);
代码示例来源:origin: roundrop/facebook4j
public static Date getISO8601Datetime(String name, JSONObject json) throws FacebookException {
String dateString = getRawString(name, json);
if (dateString == null) {
return null;
if (json.isNull("timezone")) {
return parseISO8601Date(dateString);
} else {
TimeZone timezone = getTimeZone("timezone", json);
return parseISO8601Date(dateString, timezone);
代码示例来源:origin: org.facebook4j/facebook4j-core
public static Date getISO8601Datetime(String name, JSONObject json) throws FacebookException {
String dateString = getRawString(name, json);
if (dateString == null) {
return null;
if (json.isNull("timezone")) {
return parseISO8601Date(dateString);
} else {
TimeZone timezone = getTimeZone("timezone", json);
return parseISO8601Date(dateString, timezone);
代码示例来源:origin: org.facebook4j/facebook4j-core
private void init(JSONObject json) throws FacebookException {
try {
id = getRawString("id", json);
if (!json.isNull("owner")) {
JSONObject ownerJSONObject = json.getJSONObject("owner");
owner = new CategoryJSONImpl(ownerJSONObject);
name = getRawString("name", json);
description = getRawString("description", json);
isDateOnly = getBoolean("is_date_only", json);
startTime = getISO8601Datetime("start_time", json);
endTime = getISO8601Datetime("end_time", json);
location = getRawString("location", json);
if (!json.isNull("venue")) {
JSONObject venueJSONObject = json.getJSONObject("venue");
venue = new VenueJSONImpl(venueJSONObject);
privacy = EventPrivacyType.getInstance(getRawString("privacy", json));
updatedTime = getISO8601Datetime("updated_time" ,json);
rsvpStatus = getRawString("rsvp_status", json);
ticketURI = getURI("ticket_uri", json);
timezone = getTimeZone("timezone", json);
} catch (JSONException jsone) {
throw new FacebookException(jsone);
代码示例来源:origin: roundrop/facebook4j
private void init(JSONObject json) throws FacebookException {
try {
id = getRawString("id", json);
if (!json.isNull("owner")) {
JSONObject ownerJSONObject = json.getJSONObject("owner");
owner = new CategoryJSONImpl(ownerJSONObject);
name = getRawString("name", json);
description = getRawString("description", json);
isDateOnly = getBoolean("is_date_only", json);
startTime = getISO8601Datetime("start_time", json);
endTime = getISO8601Datetime("end_time", json);
location = getRawString("location", json);
if (!json.isNull("venue")) {
JSONObject venueJSONObject = json.getJSONObject("venue");
venue = new VenueJSONImpl(venueJSONObject);
privacy = EventPrivacyType.getInstance(getRawString("privacy", json));
updatedTime = getISO8601Datetime("updated_time" ,json);
rsvpStatus = getRawString("rsvp_status", json);
ticketURI = getURI("ticket_uri", json);
timezone = getTimeZone("timezone", json);
} catch (JSONException jsone) {
throw new FacebookException(jsone);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles
private void init(JSONObject json) throws FacebookException {
try {
id = getRawString("id", json);
if (!json.isNull("owner")) {
JSONObject ownerJSONObject = json.getJSONObject("owner");
owner = new CategoryJSONImpl(ownerJSONObject);
name = getRawString("name", json);
description = getRawString("description", json);
isDateOnly = getBoolean("is_date_only", json);
startTime = getISO8601Datetime("start_time", json);
endTime = getISO8601Datetime("end_time", json);
location = getRawString("location", json);
if (!json.isNull("venue")) {
JSONObject venueJSONObject = json.getJSONObject("venue");
venue = new VenueJSONImpl(venueJSONObject);
privacy = EventPrivacyType.getInstance(getRawString("privacy", json));
updatedTime = getISO8601Datetime("updated_time" ,json);
rsvpStatus = getRawString("rsvp_status", json);
ticketURI = getURI("ticket_uri", json);
timezone = getTimeZone("timezone", json);
} catch (JSONException jsone) {
throw new FacebookException(jsone);