[英]Tests whether this Class represents an annotation class.
代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework
public boolean isAnnotation() {
return this.introspectedClass.isAnnotation();
代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx
/** Determines if the supplied Class object represents an annotation type. */
static public boolean isAnnotation (Class c) {
return c.isAnnotation();
代码示例来源:origin: libgdx/libgdx
/** Determines if the supplied Class object represents an annotation type. */
static public boolean isAnnotation (Class c) {
return c.isAnnotation();
代码示例来源:origin: redisson/redisson
public boolean isAnnotation() {
return type.isAnnotation();
代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework/spring-core
public boolean isAnnotation() {
return this.introspectedClass.isAnnotation();
代码示例来源:origin: spockframework/spock
public IncludeExcludeCriteria(Class<?>... criteria) {
for (Class<?> criterium : criteria)
if (criterium.isAnnotation())
annotations.add((Class<? extends Annotation>)criterium);
代码示例来源:origin: prestodb/presto
* @return Null if class might be a bean; type String (that identifies
* why it's not a bean) if not
public static String canBeABeanType(Class<?> type)
// First: language constructs that ain't beans:
if (type.isAnnotation()) {
return "annotation";
if (type.isArray()) {
return "array";
if (type.isEnum()) {
return "enum";
if (type.isPrimitive()) {
return "primitive";
// Anything else? Seems valid, then
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.commons/commons-lang3
* <p>Checks if the specified type is permitted as an annotation member.</p>
* <p>The Java language specification only permits certain types to be used
* in annotations. These include {@link String}, {@link Class}, primitive
* types, {@link Annotation}, {@link Enum}, and single-dimensional arrays of
* these types.</p>
* @param type the type to check, {@code null}
* @return {@code true} if the type is a valid type to use in an annotation
public static boolean isValidAnnotationMemberType(Class<?> type) {
if (type == null) {
return false;
if (type.isArray()) {
type = type.getComponentType();
return type.isPrimitive() || type.isEnum() || type.isAnnotation()
|| String.class.equals(type) || Class.class.equals(type);
代码示例来源:origin: nutzam/nutz
public boolean checkClass(Class<?> klass) {
return !(klass.isInterface()
|| klass.isArray()
|| klass.isEnum()
|| klass.isPrimitive()
|| klass.isMemberClass()
|| klass.isAnnotation()
|| klass.isAnonymousClass());
代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework
public String[] resolve(Class<?> testClass) {
return testClass.isAnnotation() ? new String[] { "@" + testClass.getSimpleName() }
: new String[] { testClass.getSimpleName() };
代码示例来源:origin: org.testng/testng
public static boolean isJUnitTest(Class c) {
if (!haveJUnit()) {
return false;
//only public classes are interesting, so filter out the rest
if (!Modifier.isPublic(c.getModifiers()) || c.isInterface() || c.isAnnotation() || c.isEnum()) {
return false;
return (junit3 != null && junit3.isTest(c)) || (junit4 != null && junit4.isTest(c));
代码示例来源:origin: alibaba/fastjson
public void write(JSONSerializer serializer, Object object, Object fieldName, Type fieldType, int features) throws IOException {
Class objClass = object.getClass();
Class[] interfaces = objClass.getInterfaces();
if (interfaces.length == 1 && interfaces[0].isAnnotation()) {
Class annotationClass = interfaces[0];
AnnotationType type = AnnotationType.getInstance(annotationClass);
Map<String, Method> members = type.members();
JSONObject json = new JSONObject(members.size());
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Method>> iterator = members.entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry<String, Method> entry;
Object val = null;
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
entry = iterator.next();
try {
val = entry.getValue().invoke(object);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
// skip
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
// skip
json.put(entry.getKey(), JSON.toJSON(val));
代码示例来源:origin: google/guava
private static Class<? extends Annotation> asAnnotation(Class<?> clazz) {
if (clazz.isAnnotation()) {
return (Class<? extends Annotation>) clazz;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(rootLocaleFormat("%s is not an annotation.", clazz));
代码示例来源:origin: jersey/jersey
private static boolean isProperField(Field field) {
if (isStatic(field) || isFinal(field)) {
return false;
Class<?> type = field.getType();
return !type.isAnnotation();
代码示例来源:origin: redisson/redisson
* Creates a factory for an offset mapping that binds an annotation property.
* @param annotationType The annotation type to bind.
* @param property The property to bind.
* @param <S> The annotation type.
* @return A factory for binding a property of the annotation type.
public static <S extends Annotation> OffsetMapping.Factory<S> of(Class<S> annotationType, String property) {
if (!annotationType.isAnnotation()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not an annotation type: " + annotationType);
try {
return new OfAnnotationProperty<S>(annotationType, new MethodDescription.ForLoadedMethod(annotationType.getMethod(property)));
} catch (NoSuchMethodException exception) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find a property " + property + " on " + annotationType, exception);
代码示例来源:origin: redisson/redisson
* Binds an annotation to a dynamically computed value. Whenever the {@link Advice} component discovers the given annotation on
* a parameter of an advice method, the dynamic value is asked to provide a value that is then assigned to the parameter in question.
* @param offsetMapping The dynamic value that is computed for binding the parameter to a value.
* @return A new builder for an advice that considers the supplied annotation type during binding.
public WithCustomMapping bind(OffsetMapping.Factory<?> offsetMapping) {
Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, OffsetMapping.Factory<?>> offsetMappings = new HashMap<Class<? extends Annotation>, OffsetMapping.Factory<?>>(this.offsetMappings);
if (!offsetMapping.getAnnotationType().isAnnotation()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not an annotation type: " + offsetMapping.getAnnotationType());
} else if (offsetMappings.put(offsetMapping.getAnnotationType(), offsetMapping) != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Annotation type already mapped: " + offsetMapping.getAnnotationType());
return new WithCustomMapping(offsetMappings);
代码示例来源:origin: org.assertj/assertj-core
* Verifies that the actual {@code Class} is an annotation.
* @param info contains information about the assertion.
* @param actual the "actual" {@code Class}.
* @throws AssertionError if {@code actual} is {@code null}.
* @throws AssertionError if the actual {@code Class} is not an annotation.
public void assertIsAnnotation(AssertionInfo info, Class<?> actual) {
assertNotNull(info, actual);
if (!actual.isAnnotation()) throw failures.failure(info, shouldBeAnnotation(actual));
代码示例来源:origin: org.assertj/assertj-core
* Verifies that the actual {@code Class} is not an annotation.
* @param info contains information about the assertion.
* @param actual the "actual" {@code Class}.
* @throws AssertionError if {@code actual} is {@code null}.
* @throws AssertionError if the actual {@code Class} is an annotation.
public void assertIsNotAnnotation(AssertionInfo info, Class<?> actual) {
assertNotNull(info, actual);
if (actual.isAnnotation()) throw failures.failure(info, shouldNotBeAnnotation(actual));
代码示例来源:origin: redisson/redisson
* {@inheritDoc}
public Loaded<Annotation> load(ClassLoader classLoader) throws ClassNotFoundException {
Class<?> type = Class.forName(annotationToken.getBinaryName(), false, classLoader);
if (type.isAnnotation()) {
return new ForAnnotationDescription.Loaded<Annotation>(AnnotationDescription.AnnotationInvocationHandler.of(classLoader,
(Class<? extends Annotation>) type,
} else {
return new ForAnnotationDescription.IncompatibleRuntimeType(type);
代码示例来源:origin: google/guava
public static <E extends Enum<?> & Feature<?>> void assertGoodFeatureEnum(
Class<E> featureEnumClass) {
final Class<?>[] classes = featureEnumClass.getDeclaredClasses();
for (Class<?> containedClass : classes) {
if (containedClass.getSimpleName().equals("Require")) {
if (containedClass.isAnnotation()) {
} else {
"Feature enum %s contains a class named "
+ "'Require' but it is not an annotation.",
"Feature enum %s should contain an " + "annotation named 'Require'.",