代码示例来源:origin: prestodb/presto
public static Method getCombineFunction(Class<?> clazz, Class<?> stateClass)
// Only include methods that match this state class
List<Method> combineFunctions = FunctionsParserHelper.findPublicStaticMethodsWithAnnotation(clazz, CombineFunction.class).stream()
.filter(method -> method.getParameterTypes()[AggregationImplementation.Parser.findAggregationStateParamId(method, 0)] == stateClass)
.filter(method -> method.getParameterTypes()[AggregationImplementation.Parser.findAggregationStateParamId(method, 1)] == stateClass)
checkArgument(combineFunctions.size() == 1, String.format("There must be exactly one @CombineFunction in class %s for the @AggregationState %s ", clazz.toGenericString(), stateClass.toGenericString()));
return getOnlyElement(combineFunctions);
代码示例来源:origin: prestodb/presto
private static Optional<Method> getAggregationStateSerializerFactory(Class<?> aggregationDefinition, Class<?> stateClass)
// Only include methods that match this state class
List<Method> stateSerializerFactories = FunctionsParserHelper.findPublicStaticMethodsWithAnnotation(aggregationDefinition, AggregationStateSerializerFactory.class).stream()
.filter(method -> ((AggregationStateSerializerFactory) method.getAnnotation(AggregationStateSerializerFactory.class)).value().equals(stateClass))
if (stateSerializerFactories.isEmpty()) {
return Optional.empty();
checkArgument(stateSerializerFactories.size() == 1,
"Expect at most 1 @AggregationStateSerializerFactory(%s.class) annotation, found %s in %s",
return Optional.of(getOnlyElement(stateSerializerFactories));
代码示例来源:origin: stackoverflow.com
import java.util.ArrayList;
class MyClass {
ArrayList<String> stringList;
public ArrayList<String> getStringList() {
return stringList;
public class Foo {
public static void main(String... args) throws NoSuchMethodException {
ArrayList<Integer> intList = new ArrayList<>();
代码示例来源:origin: prestosql/presto
public static Method getCombineFunction(Class<?> clazz, Class<?> stateClass)
// Only include methods that match this state class
List<Method> combineFunctions = FunctionsParserHelper.findPublicStaticMethodsWithAnnotation(clazz, CombineFunction.class).stream()
.filter(method -> method.getParameterTypes()[AggregationImplementation.Parser.findAggregationStateParamId(method, 0)] == stateClass)
.filter(method -> method.getParameterTypes()[AggregationImplementation.Parser.findAggregationStateParamId(method, 1)] == stateClass)
checkArgument(combineFunctions.size() == 1, String.format("There must be exactly one @CombineFunction in class %s for the @AggregationState %s ", clazz.toGenericString(), stateClass.toGenericString()));
return getOnlyElement(combineFunctions);
代码示例来源:origin: in.erail/glue
public String toString() {
return MoreObjects
.add("mFactoryClass", mFactoryClass)
.add("mFactoryInstance", mFactoryInstance)
.add("mFactoryMethodName", mFactoryMethodName)
.add("mFactoryParamValues", mFactoryParamValues != null ? Joiner.on(",").join(mFactoryParamValues) : null)
.add("mFactoryParamType", mFactoryParamType != null ? Joiner.on(",").join(mFactoryParamType) : null)
.add("mParamType", mParamType != null ? Joiner.on(",").join(mParamType) : null)
.add("mComponentPath", mComponentPath)
.add("mFactoryEnable", mFactoryEnable)
.add("mMethod", mMethod != null ? mMethod.getName() : null)
.add("mMethodParam", mMethodParam != null ? Joiner.on(",").join(mMethodParam) : null)
.add("mMethodClass", mMethodClass != null ? mMethodClass.getCanonicalName() : null)
.add("mMethodClassInstance", mMethodClassInstance != null ? mMethodClassInstance.getClass().toGenericString() : null)
代码示例来源:origin: io.prestosql/presto-main
public static Method getCombineFunction(Class<?> clazz, Class<?> stateClass)
// Only include methods that match this state class
List<Method> combineFunctions = FunctionsParserHelper.findPublicStaticMethodsWithAnnotation(clazz, CombineFunction.class).stream()
.filter(method -> method.getParameterTypes()[AggregationImplementation.Parser.findAggregationStateParamId(method, 0)] == stateClass)
.filter(method -> method.getParameterTypes()[AggregationImplementation.Parser.findAggregationStateParamId(method, 1)] == stateClass)
checkArgument(combineFunctions.size() == 1, String.format("There must be exactly one @CombineFunction in class %s for the @AggregationState %s ", clazz.toGenericString(), stateClass.toGenericString()));
return getOnlyElement(combineFunctions);
代码示例来源:origin: io.prestosql/presto-main
private static Optional<Method> getAggregationStateSerializerFactory(Class<?> aggregationDefinition, Class<?> stateClass)
// Only include methods that match this state class
List<Method> stateSerializerFactories = FunctionsParserHelper.findPublicStaticMethodsWithAnnotation(aggregationDefinition, AggregationStateSerializerFactory.class).stream()
.filter(method -> ((AggregationStateSerializerFactory) method.getAnnotation(AggregationStateSerializerFactory.class)).value().equals(stateClass))
if (stateSerializerFactories.isEmpty()) {
return Optional.empty();
checkArgument(stateSerializerFactories.size() == 1,
"Expect at most 1 @AggregationStateSerializerFactory(%s.class) annotation, found %s in %s",
return Optional.of(getOnlyElement(stateSerializerFactories));
代码示例来源:origin: NyaaCat/RPGItems-reloaded
public static void registerOverride(NamespacedKey origin, NamespacedKey override) {
if (overrides.containsKey(origin)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot override a already overridden power: " + origin + " " + override);
Class<? extends Power> originPower = getPower(origin);
Class<? extends Power> overridePower = getPower(override);
if (originPower == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Overriding not registered power: " + origin);
if (overridePower == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Override not found: " + override);
if (!originPower.isAssignableFrom(overridePower)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not overrideable: " + origin + "@" + originPower.toGenericString() + " " + override + "@" + overridePower.toGenericString());
overrides.put(origin, override);
代码示例来源:origin: bonitasoft/bonita-engine
public Object invokeJavaMethod(final String typeOfValueToSet, final Object valueToSetObjectWith, final Object objectToInvokeJavaMethodOn,
final String operator, final String operatorParameterClassName) throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException,
IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
final Class<?> expressionResultType = getClassOrPrimitiveClass(typeOfValueToSet);
final Class<?> dataType = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(objectToInvokeJavaMethodOn.getClass().getName());
final Method method = MethodUtils.getMatchingAccessibleMethod(dataType, operator, new Class[]{getClassOrPrimitiveClass(operatorParameterClassName)});
if (method != null) {
final Object o = dataType.cast(objectToInvokeJavaMethodOn);
method.invoke(o, expressionResultType.cast(valueToSetObjectWith));
return o;
} else {
throw new NoSuchMethodException(dataType.toGenericString() + "." + operator + "(" + operatorParameterClassName + ").");
代码示例来源:origin: prestosql/presto
private static Optional<Method> getAggregationStateSerializerFactory(Class<?> aggregationDefinition, Class<?> stateClass)
// Only include methods that match this state class
List<Method> stateSerializerFactories = FunctionsParserHelper.findPublicStaticMethodsWithAnnotation(aggregationDefinition, AggregationStateSerializerFactory.class).stream()
.filter(method -> ((AggregationStateSerializerFactory) method.getAnnotation(AggregationStateSerializerFactory.class)).value().equals(stateClass))
if (stateSerializerFactories.isEmpty()) {
return Optional.empty();
checkArgument(stateSerializerFactories.size() == 1,
"Expect at most 1 @AggregationStateSerializerFactory(%s.class) annotation, found %s in %s",
return Optional.of(getOnlyElement(stateSerializerFactories));
代码示例来源:origin: neuhalje/bouncy-gpg
* The default strategy to search for keys is to *just* search for the email address (the part
* between < and >).
* Set this flag to search for any part in the user id.
* @param strategy instance to use
* @return next build step
public WithAlgorithmSuite withKeySelectionStrategy(final KeySelectionStrategy strategy) {
requireNonNull(strategy, "strategy must not be null");
selectUidByEMailOnly == null && dateOfTimestampVerification == null,
"selectUidByAnyUidPart/setReferenceDateForKeyValidityTo cannot be used together"
+ " with 'withKeySelectionStrategy' ");
this.keySelectionStrategy = strategy;
LOGGER.trace("WithKeySelectionStrategy: override strategy to {}",
return this;
代码示例来源:origin: bonitasoft/bonita-engine
public Object invokeJavaMethod(final String typeOfValueToSet, final Object valueToSetObjectWith, final Object objectToInvokeJavaMethodOn,
final String operator, final String operatorParameterClassName) throws ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException,
IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
final Class<?> expressionResultType = getClassOrPrimitiveClass(typeOfValueToSet);
final Class<?> dataType = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(objectToInvokeJavaMethodOn.getClass().getName());
final Method method = MethodUtils.getMatchingAccessibleMethod(dataType, operator, new Class[]{getClassOrPrimitiveClass(operatorParameterClassName)});
if (method != null) {
final Object o = dataType.cast(objectToInvokeJavaMethodOn);
method.invoke(o, expressionResultType.cast(valueToSetObjectWith));
return o;
} else {
throw new NoSuchMethodException(dataType.toGenericString() + "." + operator + "(" + operatorParameterClassName + ").");
代码示例来源:origin: org.jrebirth.af/core
* Gets the value.
* @param object the object
* @param method the method
* @param cls the cls
* @param <T> the generic type
* @return the value
private <T> Optional<T> getValue(Object object, Supplier<Object> method, Class<T> cls) {
T source = null;
if (cls.isInstance(method.get())) {
source = (T) method.get();
} else {
if (CoreParameters.DEVELOPER_MODE.get()) {
throw new CoreRuntimeException("Cannot cast object " + method.get() + " to " + cls.toGenericString());
return Optional.ofNullable(source);
代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.polygene.core/org.apache.polygene.core.api
public String getMessage()
String typeNames = typesString();
String primary = primaryType == null ? "" : " primary: " + primaryType.toGenericString() + NL;
String methodName = memberString();
String message = super.getMessage() == null ? "" : " message: " + super.getMessage() + NL;
String fragment = fragmentClass == null ? "" : " fragmentClass: " + fragmentClass.getName() + NL;
String valueType = this.valueType == null ? "" : " valueType: " + this.valueType.getTypeName() + NL;
String module = this.module == null ? "" : " layer: " + this.module.layer().name() + NL + " module: "
+ this.module.name() + NL;
return message + module + primary + fragment + methodName + valueType + typeNames;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/attic-polygene-java
public String getMessage()
String typeNames = typesString();
String primary = primaryType == null ? "" : " primary: " + primaryType.toGenericString() + NL;
String methodName = memberString();
String message = super.getMessage() == null ? "" : " message: " + super.getMessage() + NL;
String fragment = fragmentClass == null ? "" : " fragmentClass: " + fragmentClass.getName() + NL;
String valueType = this.valueType == null ? "" : " valueType: " + this.valueType.getTypeName() + NL;
String module = this.module == null ? "" : " layer: " + this.module.layer().name() + NL + " module: "
+ this.module.name() + NL;
return message + module + primary + fragment + methodName + valueType + typeNames;
代码示例来源:origin: eclipse/kapua
* Check the exception that was caught. In case the exception was expected the type and message is shown in the cucumber logs.
* Otherwise the exception is rethrown failing the test and dumping the stack trace to help resolving problems.
public void verifyException(Exception ex)
throws Exception {
boolean exceptionExpected = stepData.contains("ExceptionExpected") ? (boolean)stepData.get("ExceptionExpected") : false;
String exceptionName = stepData.contains("ExceptionName") ? (String)stepData.get("ExceptionName") : "";
String exceptionMessage = stepData.contains("ExceptionMessage") ? (String)stepData.get("ExceptionMessage") : "";
if (!exceptionExpected ||
(!exceptionName.isEmpty() && !ex.getClass().toGenericString().contains(exceptionName)) ||
(!exceptionMessage.isEmpty() && !exceptionMessage.trim().contentEquals("*") && !ex.getMessage().contains(exceptionMessage))) {
scenario.write("An unexpected exception was raised!");
scenario.write("Exception raised as expected: " + ex.getClass().getCanonicalName() + ", " + ex.getMessage());
stepData.put("ExceptionCaught", true);
stepData.put("Exception", ex);
代码示例来源:origin: waterguo/antsdb
public long eval(VdmContext ctx, Heap heap, Parameters params, long pRecord) {
long addrVal = this.upstream.eval(ctx, heap, params, pRecord);
Object val = FishObject.get(heap, addrVal);
if (val == null) {
else if (val instanceof Float) {
else if (val instanceof Long) {
val = ((Long)val).floatValue();
else if (val instanceof String) {
val = Float.valueOf((String)val);
else if (val instanceof BigDecimal) {
val = ((BigDecimal)val).floatValue();
else if (val instanceof Double) {
val = ((Double)val).floatValue();
else {
throw new CodingError(val.getClass().toGenericString());
return FishObject.allocSet(heap, val);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/attic-polygene-java
+ method.toGenericString()
+ NL + "Declaring Class:"
+ method.getDeclaringClass().toGenericString()
+ NL + "Types:"
+ mixinsModel.mixinTypes()
代码示例来源:origin: waterguo/antsdb
throw new CodingError(val.getClass().toGenericString());