
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-20 转载在 其他  



[英]Get all existing databases that match the given pattern. The matching occurs as per Java regular expressions


代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

public static Iterable<String> matchesDb(Hive db, String dbPattern) throws HiveException {
 if (dbPattern == null) {
  return db.getAllDatabases();
 } else {
  return db.getDatabasesByPattern(dbPattern);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

private Iterable<? extends String> matchesDb(String dbPattern) throws HiveException {
  if (dbPattern == null) {
   return db.getAllDatabases();
  } else {
   return db.getDatabasesByPattern(dbPattern);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

 * Write a list of the available databases to a file.
 * @param showDatabasesDesc
 *          These are the databases we're interested in.
 * @return Returns 0 when execution succeeds and above 0 if it fails.
 * @throws HiveException
 *           Throws this exception if an unexpected error occurs.
private int showDatabases(Hive db, ShowDatabasesDesc showDatabasesDesc) throws HiveException {
 // get the databases for the desired pattern - populate the output stream
 List<String> databases = null;
 if (showDatabasesDesc.getPattern() != null) {
  LOG.debug("pattern: {}", showDatabasesDesc.getPattern());
  databases = db.getDatabasesByPattern(showDatabasesDesc.getPattern());
 } else {
  databases = db.getAllDatabases();
 }"Found {} database(s) matching the SHOW DATABASES statement.", databases.size());
 // write the results in the file
 DataOutputStream outStream = getOutputStream(showDatabasesDesc.getResFile());
 try {
  formatter.showDatabases(outStream, databases);
 } catch (Exception e) {
  throw new HiveException(e, ErrorMsg.GENERIC_ERROR, "show databases");
 } finally {
 return 0;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

 * Write a list of the available databases to a file.
 * @param showDatabasesDesc
 *          These are the databases we're interested in.
 * @return Returns 0 when execution succeeds and above 0 if it fails.
 * @throws HiveException
 *           Throws this exception if an unexpected error occurs.
private int showDatabases(Hive db, ShowDatabasesDesc showDatabasesDesc) throws HiveException {
 // get the databases for the desired pattern - populate the output stream
 List<String> databases = null;
 if (showDatabasesDesc.getPattern() != null) {"pattern: " + showDatabasesDesc.getPattern());
  databases = db.getDatabasesByPattern(showDatabasesDesc.getPattern());
 } else {
  databases = db.getAllDatabases();
 }"results : " + databases.size());
 // write the results in the file
 DataOutputStream outStream = getOutputStream(showDatabasesDesc.getResFile());
 try {
  formatter.showDatabases(outStream, databases);
 } catch (Exception e) {
  throw new HiveException(e, ErrorMsg.GENERIC_ERROR, "show databases");
 } finally {
 return 0;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

public ASTNode preAnalyze(HiveSemanticAnalyzerHookContext context, ASTNode ast)
 throws SemanticException {
 Hive db;
 try {
  db = context.getHive();
 } catch (HiveException e) {
  throw new SemanticException("Couldn't get Hive DB instance in semantic analysis phase.", e);
 // Analyze and create tbl properties object
 int numCh = ast.getChildCount();
 databaseName = BaseSemanticAnalyzer.getUnescapedName((ASTNode) ast.getChild(0));
 for (int num = 1; num < numCh; num++) {
  ASTNode child = (ASTNode) ast.getChild(num);
  switch (child.getToken().getType()) {
  case HiveParser.TOK_IFNOTEXISTS:
   try {
    List<String> dbs = db.getDatabasesByPattern(databaseName);
    if (dbs != null && dbs.size() > 0) { // db exists
     return ast;
   } catch (HiveException e) {
    throw new SemanticException(e);
 return ast;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop.hive/hive-exec

if (showDatabasesDesc.getPattern() != null) {"pattern: " + showDatabasesDesc.getPattern());
 databases = db.getDatabasesByPattern(showDatabasesDesc.getPattern());
} else {
 databases = db.getAllDatabases();

代码示例来源:origin: com.facebook.presto.hive/hive-apache

if (showDatabasesDesc.getPattern() != null) {"pattern: " + showDatabasesDesc.getPattern());
 databases = db.getDatabasesByPattern(showDatabasesDesc.getPattern());
} else {
 databases = db.getAllDatabases();

代码示例来源:origin: com.facebook.presto.hive/hive-apache

public ASTNode preAnalyze(HiveSemanticAnalyzerHookContext context, ASTNode ast)
 throws SemanticException {
 Hive db;
 try {
  db = context.getHive();
 } catch (HiveException e) {
  throw new SemanticException("Couldn't get Hive DB instance in semantic analysis phase.", e);
 // Analyze and create tbl properties object
 int numCh = ast.getChildCount();
 databaseName = BaseSemanticAnalyzer.getUnescapedName((ASTNode) ast.getChild(0));
 for (int num = 1; num < numCh; num++) {
  ASTNode child = (ASTNode) ast.getChild(num);
  switch (child.getToken().getType()) {
  case HiveParser.TOK_IFNOTEXISTS:
   try {
    List<String> dbs = db.getDatabasesByPattern(databaseName);
    if (dbs != null && dbs.size() > 0) { // db exists
     return ast;
   } catch (HiveException e) {
    throw new SemanticException(e);
 return ast;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hive.hcatalog/hive-hcatalog-core

public ASTNode preAnalyze(HiveSemanticAnalyzerHookContext context, ASTNode ast)
 throws SemanticException {
 Hive db;
 try {
  db = context.getHive();
 } catch (HiveException e) {
  throw new SemanticException("Couldn't get Hive DB instance in semantic analysis phase.", e);
 // Analyze and create tbl properties object
 int numCh = ast.getChildCount();
 databaseName = BaseSemanticAnalyzer.getUnescapedName((ASTNode) ast.getChild(0));
 for (int num = 1; num < numCh; num++) {
  ASTNode child = (ASTNode) ast.getChild(num);
  switch (child.getToken().getType()) {
  case HiveParser.TOK_IFNOTEXISTS:
   try {
    List<String> dbs = db.getDatabasesByPattern(databaseName);
    if (dbs != null && dbs.size() > 0) { // db exists
     return ast;
   } catch (HiveException e) {
    throw new SemanticException(e);
 return ast;

代码示例来源:origin: com.github.hyukjinkwon.hcatalog/hive-hcatalog-core

public ASTNode preAnalyze(HiveSemanticAnalyzerHookContext context, ASTNode ast)
 throws SemanticException {
 Hive db;
 try {
  db = context.getHive();
 } catch (HiveException e) {
  throw new SemanticException("Couldn't get Hive DB instance in semantic analysis phase.", e);
 // Analyze and create tbl properties object
 int numCh = ast.getChildCount();
 databaseName = BaseSemanticAnalyzer.getUnescapedName((ASTNode) ast.getChild(0));
 for (int num = 1; num < numCh; num++) {
  ASTNode child = (ASTNode) ast.getChild(num);
  switch (child.getToken().getType()) {
  case HiveParser.TOK_IFNOTEXISTS:
   try {
    List<String> dbs = db.getDatabasesByPattern(databaseName);
    if (dbs != null && dbs.size() > 0) { // db exists
     return ast;
   } catch (HiveException e) {
    throw new SemanticException(e);
 return ast;

代码示例来源:origin: org.spark-project.hive.hcatalog/hive-hcatalog-core

public ASTNode preAnalyze(HiveSemanticAnalyzerHookContext context, ASTNode ast)
 throws SemanticException {
 Hive db;
 try {
  db = context.getHive();
 } catch (HiveException e) {
  throw new SemanticException("Couldn't get Hive DB instance in semantic analysis phase.", e);
 // Analyze and create tbl properties object
 int numCh = ast.getChildCount();
 databaseName = BaseSemanticAnalyzer.getUnescapedName((ASTNode) ast.getChild(0));
 for (int num = 1; num < numCh; num++) {
  ASTNode child = (ASTNode) ast.getChild(num);
  switch (child.getToken().getType()) {
  case HiveParser.TOK_IFNOTEXISTS:
   try {
    List<String> dbs = db.getDatabasesByPattern(databaseName);
    if (dbs != null && dbs.size() > 0) { // db exists
     return ast;
   } catch (HiveException e) {
    throw new SemanticException(e);
 return ast;

