
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-20 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

public Index getIndex(String baseTableName, String indexName) throws HiveException {
 String[] names = Utilities.getDbTableName(baseTableName);
 return this.getIndex(names[0], names[1], indexName);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

Index idx = db.getIndex(baseTableName, indexName);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

old_index = getIndex(tableName, indexName);
} catch (Exception e) {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

private List<Task<?>> getIndexBuilderMapRed(String[] names, String indexName,
  HashMap<String, String> partSpec) throws SemanticException {
 try {
  Index index = db.getIndex(names[0], names[1], indexName);
  Table indexTbl = null;
  String indexTableName = index.getIndexTableName();
  if (indexTableName != null) {
   indexTbl = getTable(Utilities.getDbTableName(index.getDbName(), indexTableName));
  Table baseTbl = getTable(new String[] {index.getDbName(), index.getOrigTableName()});
  String handlerCls = index.getIndexHandlerClass();
  HiveIndexHandler handler = HiveUtils.getIndexHandler(conf, handlerCls);
  List<Partition> indexTblPartitions = null;
  List<Partition> baseTblPartitions = null;
  if (indexTbl != null) {
   indexTblPartitions = new ArrayList<Partition>();
   baseTblPartitions = preparePartitions(baseTbl, partSpec,
     indexTbl, db, indexTblPartitions);
  List<Task<?>> ret = handler.generateIndexBuildTaskList(baseTbl,
    index, indexTblPartitions, baseTblPartitions, indexTbl, getInputs(), getOutputs());
  return ret;
 } catch (Exception e) {
  throw new SemanticException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill

private void analyzeDropIndex(ASTNode ast) throws SemanticException {
 String indexName = unescapeIdentifier(ast.getChild(0).getText());
 String tableName = getUnescapedName((ASTNode) ast.getChild(1));
 boolean ifExists = (ast.getFirstChildWithType(HiveParser.TOK_IFEXISTS) != null);
 // we want to signal an error if the index doesn't exist and we're
 // configured not to ignore this
 boolean throwException =
   !ifExists && !HiveConf.getBoolVar(conf, ConfVars.DROPIGNORESNONEXISTENT);
 Table tbl = getTable(tableName, false);
 if (throwException && tbl == null) {
  throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.INVALID_TABLE.getMsg(tableName));
 try {
  Index idx = db.getIndex(tableName, indexName);
 } catch (HiveException e) {
  if (!(e.getCause() instanceof NoSuchObjectException)) {
   throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.CANNOT_DROP_INDEX.getMsg("dropping index"), e);
  if (throwException) {
   throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.INVALID_INDEX.getMsg(indexName));
 if (tbl != null) {
  inputs.add(new ReadEntity(tbl));
 DropIndexDesc dropIdxDesc = new DropIndexDesc(indexName, tableName, throwException);
 rootTasks.add(TaskFactory.get(new DDLWork(getInputs(), getOutputs(),
   dropIdxDesc), conf));

代码示例来源:origin: com.facebook.presto.hive/hive-apache

public Index getIndex(String baseTableName, String indexName) throws HiveException {
 String[] names = Utilities.getDbTableName(baseTableName);
 return this.getIndex(names[0], names[1], indexName);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop.hive/hive-exec

public Index getIndex(String qualifiedIndexName) throws HiveException {
 String[] names = getQualifiedNames(qualifiedIndexName);
 switch (names.length) {
 case 3:
  return getIndex(names[0], names[1], names[2]);
 case 2:
  return getIndex(getCurrentDatabase(), names[0], names[1]);
  throw new HiveException("Invalid index name:" + qualifiedIndexName);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop.hive/hive-exec

public Index getIndex(String baseTableName, String indexName) throws HiveException {
 Table t = newTable(baseTableName);
 return this.getIndex(t.getDbName(), t.getTableName(), indexName);

代码示例来源:origin: com.facebook.presto.hive/hive-apache

private int alterIndex(Hive db, AlterIndexDesc alterIndex) throws HiveException {
 String baseTableName = alterIndex.getBaseTableName();
 String indexName = alterIndex.getIndexName();
 Index idx = db.getIndex(baseTableName, indexName);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop.hive/hive-exec

Index old_index = null;
try {
 old_index = getIndex(dbName, tableName, indexName);
} catch (Exception e) {

代码示例来源:origin: com.facebook.presto.hive/hive-apache

old_index = getIndex(tableName, indexName);
} catch (Exception e) {

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop.hive/hive-exec

private int alterIndex(Hive db, AlterIndexDesc alterIndex) throws HiveException {
 String dbName = alterIndex.getDbName();
 String baseTableName = alterIndex.getBaseTableName();
 String indexName = alterIndex.getIndexName();
 Index idx = db.getIndex(dbName, baseTableName, indexName);
 if (alterIndex.getOp() == AlterIndexDesc.AlterIndexTypes.ADDPROPS) {
 } else {
  console.printError("Unsupported Alter commnad");
  return 1;
 // set last modified by properties
 if (!updateModifiedParameters(idx.getParameters(), conf)) {
  return 1;
 try {
  db.alterIndex(dbName, baseTableName, indexName, idx);
 } catch (InvalidOperationException e) {
  console.printError("Invalid alter operation: " + e.getMessage());"alter index: " + stringifyException(e));
  return 1;
 } catch (HiveException e) {
  console.printError("Invalid alter operation: " + e.getMessage());
  return 1;
 return 0;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop.hive/hive-exec

private List<Task<?>> getIndexBuilderMapRed(String baseTableName, String indexName,
  HashMap<String, String> partSpec) throws SemanticException {
 try {
  String dbName = db.getCurrentDatabase();
  Index index = db.getIndex(dbName, baseTableName, indexName);
  Table indexTbl = db.getTable(dbName, index.getIndexTableName());
  String baseTblName = index.getOrigTableName();
  Table baseTbl = db.getTable(dbName, baseTblName);
  String handlerCls = index.getIndexHandlerClass();
  HiveIndexHandler handler = HiveUtils.getIndexHandler(conf, handlerCls);
  List<Partition> indexTblPartitions = null;
  List<Partition> baseTblPartitions = null;
  if(indexTbl != null) {
   indexTblPartitions = new ArrayList<Partition>();
   baseTblPartitions = preparePartitions(baseTbl, partSpec,
     indexTbl, db, indexTblPartitions);
  List<Task<?>> ret = handler.generateIndexBuildTaskList(baseTbl,
    index, indexTblPartitions, baseTblPartitions, indexTbl, getInputs(), getOutputs());
  return ret;
 } catch (Exception e) {
  throw new SemanticException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.hadoop.hive/hive-exec

private void analyzeDropIndex(ASTNode ast) throws SemanticException {
 String indexName = unescapeIdentifier(ast.getChild(0).getText());
 String tableName = getUnescapedName((ASTNode)ast.getChild(1));
 boolean ifExists = (ast.getFirstChildWithType(TOK_IFEXISTS) != null);
 // we want to signal an error if the index doesn't exist and we're
 // configured not to ignore this
 boolean throwException =
  !ifExists && !HiveConf.getBoolVar(conf, ConfVars.DROPIGNORESNONEXISTENT);
 if (throwException) {
  try {
   Index idx = db.getIndex(tableName, indexName);
  } catch (HiveException e) {
   throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.INVALID_INDEX.getMsg(indexName));
 DropIndexDesc dropIdxDesc = new DropIndexDesc(indexName, tableName);
 rootTasks.add(TaskFactory.get(new DDLWork(getInputs(), getOutputs(),
   dropIdxDesc), conf));

代码示例来源:origin: com.facebook.presto.hive/hive-apache

private List<Task<?>> getIndexBuilderMapRed(String[] names, String indexName,
  HashMap<String, String> partSpec) throws SemanticException {
 try {
  Index index = db.getIndex(names[0], names[1], indexName);
  Table indexTbl = null;
  String indexTableName = index.getIndexTableName();
  if (indexTableName != null) {
   indexTbl = getTable(Utilities.getDbTableName(index.getDbName(), indexTableName));
  Table baseTbl = getTable(new String[] {index.getDbName(), index.getOrigTableName()});
  String handlerCls = index.getIndexHandlerClass();
  HiveIndexHandler handler = HiveUtils.getIndexHandler(conf, handlerCls);
  List<Partition> indexTblPartitions = null;
  List<Partition> baseTblPartitions = null;
  if (indexTbl != null) {
   indexTblPartitions = new ArrayList<Partition>();
   baseTblPartitions = preparePartitions(baseTbl, partSpec,
     indexTbl, db, indexTblPartitions);
  List<Task<?>> ret = handler.generateIndexBuildTaskList(baseTbl,
    index, indexTblPartitions, baseTblPartitions, indexTbl, getInputs(), getOutputs());
  return ret;
 } catch (Exception e) {
  throw new SemanticException(e);

代码示例来源:origin: com.facebook.presto.hive/hive-apache

private void analyzeDropIndex(ASTNode ast) throws SemanticException {
 String indexName = unescapeIdentifier(ast.getChild(0).getText());
 String tableName = getUnescapedName((ASTNode) ast.getChild(1));
 boolean ifExists = (ast.getFirstChildWithType(HiveParser.TOK_IFEXISTS) != null);
 // we want to signal an error if the index doesn't exist and we're
 // configured not to ignore this
 boolean throwException =
   !ifExists && !HiveConf.getBoolVar(conf, ConfVars.DROPIGNORESNONEXISTENT);
 Table tbl = getTable(tableName, false);
 if (throwException && tbl == null) {
  throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.INVALID_TABLE.getMsg(tableName));
 try {
  Index idx = db.getIndex(tableName, indexName);
 } catch (HiveException e) {
  if (!(e.getCause() instanceof NoSuchObjectException)) {
   throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.GENERIC_ERROR.getMsg("dropping index"), e);
  if (throwException) {
   throw new SemanticException(ErrorMsg.INVALID_INDEX.getMsg(indexName));
 if (tbl != null) {
  inputs.add(new ReadEntity(tbl));
 DropIndexDesc dropIdxDesc = new DropIndexDesc(indexName, tableName, throwException);
 rootTasks.add(TaskFactory.get(new DDLWork(getInputs(), getOutputs(),
   dropIdxDesc), conf));

