代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive
public Tuple<org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.api.Function> function(final String name)
throws HiveException {
return new Tuple<>(functionForSpec, () -> db.getFunction(dbName, name));
代码示例来源:origin: com.facebook.presto.hive/hive-apache
public static void reloadFunctions() throws HiveException {
Hive db = Hive.get();
for (String dbName : db.getAllDatabases()) {
for (String functionName : db.getFunctions(dbName, "*")) {
Function function = db.getFunction(dbName, functionName);
try {
FunctionUtils.qualifyFunctionName(functionName, dbName), function.getClassName(),
false, FunctionTask.toFunctionResource(function.getResourceUris()));
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.warn("Failed to register persistent function " +
functionName + ":" + function.getClassName() + ". Ignore and continue.");
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive
private boolean isFunctionAlreadyLoaded(Path funcDumpRoot) throws HiveException, IOException {
Path metadataPath = new Path(funcDumpRoot, EximUtil.METADATA_NAME);
FileSystem fs = FileSystem.get(metadataPath.toUri(), context.hiveConf);
MetaData metadata = EximUtil.readMetaData(fs, metadataPath);
Function function;
try {
String dbName = StringUtils.isBlank(dbNameToLoadIn) ? metadata.function.getDbName() : dbNameToLoadIn;
function = context.hiveDb.getFunction(dbName, metadata.function.getFunctionName());
} catch (HiveException e) {
if (e.getCause() instanceof NoSuchObjectException) {
return false;
throw e;
return (function != null);
代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive
* This is called outside of the lock. Some of the methods that are called transitively by
* this (e.g. addFunction) will take the lock again and then release it, which is ok.
private FunctionInfo getFunctionInfoFromMetastoreNoLock(String functionName, HiveConf conf) {
try {
String[] parts = FunctionUtils.getQualifiedFunctionNameParts(functionName);
Function func = Hive.get(conf).getFunction(parts[0].toLowerCase(), parts[1]);
if (func == null) {
return null;
// Found UDF in metastore - now add it to the function registry.
FunctionInfo fi = registerPermanentFunction(functionName, func.getClassName(), true,
if (fi == null) {
LOG.error(func.getClassName() + " is not a valid UDF class and was not registered");
return null;
return fi;
} catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.info("Unable to look up " + functionName + " in metastore", e);
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: apache/drill
* This is called outside of the lock. Some of the methods that are called transitively by
* this (e.g. addFunction) will take the lock again and then release it, which is ok.
private FunctionInfo getFunctionInfoFromMetastoreNoLock(String functionName, HiveConf conf) {
try {
String[] parts = FunctionUtils.getQualifiedFunctionNameParts(functionName);
Function func = Hive.get(conf).getFunction(parts[0].toLowerCase(), parts[1]);
if (func == null) {
return null;
// Found UDF in metastore - now add it to the function registry.
FunctionInfo fi = registerPermanentFunction(functionName, func.getClassName(), true,
if (fi == null) {
LOG.error(func.getClassName() + " is not a valid UDF class and was not registered");
return null;
return fi;
} catch (Throwable e) {
LOG.info("Unable to look up " + functionName + " in metastore", e);
return null;