
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-24 转载在 其他  



[英]Modify the behavior of the whole chain of operators upstream of this one to conditionally clean up elements that get discarded by these operators.

The discardHook must be idempotent and safe to use on any instance of the desired type. Calls to this method are additive, and the order of invocation of the discardHookis the same as the order of declaration (calling .filter(...).doOnDiscard(first).doOnDiscard(second)will let the filter invoke first then second handlers).

Two main categories of discarding operators exist:

  • filtering operators, dropping some source elements as part of their designed behavior
  • operators that prefetch a few elements and keep them around pending a request, but get cancelled/in error
    These operators are identified in the javadoc by the presence of an onDiscard Support section.


代码示例来源:origin: spring-projects/spring-framework

 * Return a new {@code DataBuffer} composed from joining together the given
 * {@code dataBuffers} elements. Depending on the {@link DataBuffer} type,
 * the returned buffer may be a single buffer containing all data of the
 * provided buffers, or it may be a zero-copy, composite with references to
 * the given buffers.
 * <p>If {@code dataBuffers} produces an error or if there is a cancel
 * signal, then all accumulated buffers will be
 * {@linkplain #release(DataBuffer) released}.
 * <p>Note that the given data buffers do <strong>not</strong> have to be
 * released. They will be released as part of the returned composite.
 * @param dataBuffers the data buffers that are to be composed
 * @return a buffer that is composed from the {@code dataBuffers} argument
 * @since 5.0.3
public static Mono<DataBuffer> join(Publisher<DataBuffer> dataBuffers) {
  Assert.notNull(dataBuffers, "'dataBuffers' must not be null");
  return Flux.from(dataBuffers)
      .filter(list -> !list.isEmpty())
      .map(list -> list.get(0).factory().join(list))
      .doOnDiscard(PooledDataBuffer.class, DataBufferUtils::release);

代码示例来源:origin: org.springframework/spring-core

 * Return a new {@code DataBuffer} composed from joining together the given
 * {@code dataBuffers} elements. Depending on the {@link DataBuffer} type,
 * the returned buffer may be a single buffer containing all data of the
 * provided buffers, or it may be a zero-copy, composite with references to
 * the given buffers.
 * <p>If {@code dataBuffers} produces an error or if there is a cancel
 * signal, then all accumulated buffers will be
 * {@linkplain #release(DataBuffer) released}.
 * <p>Note that the given data buffers do <strong>not</strong> have to be
 * released. They will be released as part of the returned composite.
 * @param dataBuffers the data buffers that are to be composed
 * @return a buffer that is composed from the {@code dataBuffers} argument
 * @since 5.0.3
public static Mono<DataBuffer> join(Publisher<DataBuffer> dataBuffers) {
  Assert.notNull(dataBuffers, "'dataBuffers' must not be null");
  return Flux.from(dataBuffers)
      .filter(list -> !list.isEmpty())
      .map(list -> list.get(0).factory().join(list))
      .doOnDiscard(PooledDataBuffer.class, DataBufferUtils::release);

代码示例来源:origin: reactor/reactor-core

public void discardLocalOrder() {
  List<String> discardOrder = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>(2));
              .hide() //hide both avoid the fuseable AND tryOnNext usage
              .filter(i -> i % 2 == 0)
              .doOnDiscard(Number.class, i -> discardOrder.add("FIRST"))
              .doOnDiscard(Integer.class, i -> discardOrder.add("SECOND"))
  Assertions.assertThat(discardOrder).containsExactly("FIRST", "SECOND");

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.spring-core

 * Return a new {@code DataBuffer} composed from joining together the given
 * {@code dataBuffers} elements. Depending on the {@link DataBuffer} type,
 * the returned buffer may be a single buffer containing all data of the
 * provided buffers, or it may be a zero-copy, composite with references to
 * the given buffers.
 * <p>If {@code dataBuffers} produces an error or if there is a cancel
 * signal, then all accumulated buffers will be
 * {@linkplain #release(DataBuffer) released}.
 * <p>Note that the given data buffers do <strong>not</strong> have to be
 * released. They will be released as part of the returned composite.
 * @param dataBuffers the data buffers that are to be composed
 * @return a buffer that is composed from the {@code dataBuffers} argument
 * @since 5.0.3
public static Mono<DataBuffer> join(Publisher<DataBuffer> dataBuffers) {
  Assert.notNull(dataBuffers, "'dataBuffers' must not be null");
  return Flux.from(dataBuffers)
      .filter(list -> !list.isEmpty())
      .map(list -> list.get(0).factory().join(list))
      .doOnDiscard(PooledDataBuffer.class, DataBufferUtils::release);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/servicemix-bundles

 * Return a new {@code DataBuffer} composed from joining together the given
 * {@code dataBuffers} elements. Depending on the {@link DataBuffer} type,
 * the returned buffer may be a single buffer containing all data of the
 * provided buffers, or it may be a zero-copy, composite with references to
 * the given buffers.
 * <p>If {@code dataBuffers} produces an error or if there is a cancel
 * signal, then all accumulated buffers will be
 * {@linkplain #release(DataBuffer) released}.
 * <p>Note that the given data buffers do <strong>not</strong> have to be
 * released. They will be released as part of the returned composite.
 * @param dataBuffers the data buffers that are to be composed
 * @return a buffer that is composed from the {@code dataBuffers} argument
 * @since 5.0.3
public static Mono<DataBuffer> join(Publisher<DataBuffer> dataBuffers) {
  Assert.notNull(dataBuffers, "'dataBuffers' must not be null");
  return Flux.from(dataBuffers)
      .filter(list -> !list.isEmpty())
      .map(list -> list.get(0).factory().join(list))
      .doOnDiscard(PooledDataBuffer.class, DataBufferUtils::release);

