
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-24 转载在 其他  



[英]Let compatible operators upstream recover from errors by dropping the incriminating element from the sequence and continuing with subsequent elements. Only errors matching the specified type are recovered from. The recovered error and associated value are notified via the provided BiConsumer.

Note that this error handling mode is not necessarily implemented by all operators (look for the Error Mode Support javadoc section to find operators that support it).


代码示例来源:origin: reactor/reactor-core

 * Let compatible operators <strong>upstream</strong> recover from errors by dropping the
 * incriminating element from the sequence and continuing with subsequent elements.
 * Only errors matching the specified {@code type} are recovered from.
 * The recovered error and associated value are notified via the provided {@link BiConsumer}.
 * <p>
 * Note that this error handling mode is not necessarily implemented by all operators
 * (look for the {@code Error Mode Support} javadoc section to find operators that
 * support it).
 * @return a {@link Mono} that attempts to continue processing on some errors.
public final <E extends Throwable> Mono<T> onErrorContinue(Class<E> type, BiConsumer<Throwable, Object> errorConsumer) {
  return onErrorContinue(type::isInstance, errorConsumer);

代码示例来源:origin: reactor/reactor-core

public void errorContinueOnMonoReduction() {
  AtomicReference<Tuple2<Class, Object>> ref = new AtomicReference<>();
  StepVerifier.create(Flux.just(1, 0, 2)
              .map(v -> 100 / v)
              .reduce((a, b) -> a + b)
              .onErrorContinue(ArithmeticException.class, (t, v) -> ref.set(Tuples.of(t.getClass(), v))))
        .expectNext(100 + 50)
  Assertions.assertThat(ref).hasValue(Tuples.of(ArithmeticException.class, 0));

代码示例来源:origin: io.projectreactor/reactor-core

 * Let compatible operators <strong>upstream</strong> recover from errors by dropping the
 * incriminating element from the sequence and continuing with subsequent elements.
 * Only errors matching the specified {@code type} are recovered from.
 * The recovered error and associated value are notified via the provided {@link BiConsumer}.
 * <p>
 * Note that this error handling mode is not necessarily implemented by all operators
 * (look for the {@code Error Mode Support} javadoc section to find operators that
 * support it).
 * @return a {@link Mono} that attempts to continue processing on some errors.
public final <E extends Throwable> Mono<T> onErrorContinue(Class<E> type, BiConsumer<Throwable, Object> errorConsumer) {
  return onErrorContinue(type::isInstance, errorConsumer);

