[英]Map this Mono into reactor.util.function.Tuple2of timemillis and source data. The timemillis corresponds to the elapsed time between the subscribe and the first next signal, as measured by the Schedulers#parallel() scheduler.
代码示例来源:origin: reactor/reactor-core
* Map this {@link Mono} into {@link reactor.util.function.Tuple2 Tuple2<Long, T>}
* of timemillis and source data. The timemillis corresponds to the elapsed time between
* the subscribe and the first next signal, as measured by the {@link Schedulers#parallel() parallel} scheduler.
* <p>
* <img class="marble" src="doc-files/marbles/elapsedForMono.svg" alt="">
* @return a new {@link Mono} that emits a tuple of time elapsed in milliseconds and matching data
public final Mono<Tuple2<Long, T>> elapsed() {
return elapsed(Schedulers.parallel());
代码示例来源:origin: reactor/reactor-core
Mono<Tuple2<Long, String>> scenario_aFluxCanBeBenchmarked(){
return Mono.just("test")
代码示例来源:origin: reactor/reactor-core
public void promiseDelays() throws Exception {
Tuple2<Long, String> h = Mono.delay(Duration.ofMillis(3000))
.map(d -> "Spring wins")
.or(Mono.delay(Duration.ofMillis(2000)).log("time2").map(d -> "Spring Reactive"))
.flatMap(t -> Mono.just(t+ " world"))
assertThat("Alternate mono not seen", h.getT2(), is("Spring Reactive world"));
代码示例来源:origin: com.aol.cyclops/cyclops-reactor
* @param scheduler
* @return
* @see reactor.core.publisher.Mono#elapsed(reactor.core.scheduler.TimedScheduler)
public final Mono<Tuple2<Long, T>> elapsed(TimedScheduler scheduler) {
return boxed.elapsed(scheduler);
代码示例来源:origin: com.aol.cyclops/cyclops-reactor
* @return
* @see reactor.core.publisher.Mono#elapsed()
public final Mono<Tuple2<Long, T>> elapsed() {
return boxed.elapsed();
代码示例来源:origin: io.projectreactor/reactor-core
* Map this {@link Mono} into {@link reactor.util.function.Tuple2 Tuple2<Long, T>}
* of timemillis and source data. The timemillis corresponds to the elapsed time between
* the subscribe and the first next signal, as measured by the {@link Schedulers#parallel() parallel} scheduler.
* <p>
* <img class="marble" src="doc-files/marbles/elapsedForMono.svg" alt="">
* @return a new {@link Mono} that emits a tuple of time elapsed in milliseconds and matching data
public final Mono<Tuple2<Long, T>> elapsed() {
return elapsed(Schedulers.parallel());