[英]Gets the first value if any, or null.
This is useful when you know the given key only has one value and you'd like to get to that value.
代码示例来源:origin: javaee/glassfish
private void addXRef(Class type, ConfigModel cm) {
List<ConfigModel> models = implementorsOf.getOne(type);
if (models==null) {
models= new ArrayList<ConfigModel>();
implementorsOf.add(type, models);
代码示例来源:origin: javaee/glassfish
* Calculates all @Configured interfaces subclassing the passed interface type.
* @param intf a @Configured interface
* @return List of all @Configured subclasses
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
public synchronized List<ConfigModel> getAllModelsImplementing(Class intf) throws ClassNotFoundException {
if (implementorsOf.size()==0) {
return implementorsOf.getOne(intf);
代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.hk2/auto-depends
public String getImplName() {
return metadata.getOne(CLASS_KEY);
代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.enterprise/auto-depends
public String getImplName() {
return metadata.getOne(CLASS_KEY);
代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.enterprise/auto-depends
protected static Long getServiceRanking(Inhabitant<?> i, boolean wantNonNull) {
MultiMap<String, String> meta = i.metadata();
String sr = meta.getOne(Constants.SERVICE_RANKING);
if (null == sr) {
return (wantNonNull) ? 0L : null;
return Long.valueOf(sr);
代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.hk2/hk2-config
private void addXRef(Class type, ConfigModel cm) {
List<ConfigModel> models = implementorsOf.getOne(type);
if (models==null) {
models= new ArrayList<ConfigModel>();
implementorsOf.add(type, models);
代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.hk2/config
private void addXRef(Class type, ConfigModel cm) {
List<ConfigModel> models = implementorsOf.getOne(type);
if (models==null) {
models= new ArrayList<ConfigModel>();
implementorsOf.add(type, models);
代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.main.common/common-util
* Returns the path to the uploaded file if the specified field is of type
* File and if the field name is the same as one of the option names that
* was associated with an uploaded File in the incoming command request.
* @param fieldName name of the field being injected
* @param fieldType type of the field being injected
* @param optionNameToFileMap map of field names to uploaded Files
* @return absolute path of the uploaded file for the field;
* null if no file uploaded for this field
public static String getUploadedFileParamValue(final String fieldName,
final Class fieldType,
final MultiMap<String,File> optionNameToFileMap) {
if (optionNameToFileMap == null) {
return null;
final File uploadedFile = optionNameToFileMap.getOne(fieldName);
if (uploadedFile != null && fieldType.isAssignableFrom(File.class)) {
return uploadedFile.getAbsolutePath();
} else {
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.hk2/auto-depends
protected static Long getServiceRanking(Inhabitant<?> i, boolean wantNonNull) {
MultiMap<String, String> meta = i.metadata();
String sr = meta.getOne(Constants.SERVICE_RANKING);
if (null == sr) {
return (wantNonNull) ? 0L : null;
return Long.valueOf(sr);
代码示例来源:origin: eclipse-ee4j/glassfish
private void addXRef(Class type, ConfigModel cm) {
List<ConfigModel> models = implementorsOf.getOne(type);
if (models==null) {
models= new ArrayList<ConfigModel>();
implementorsOf.add(type, models);
代码示例来源:origin: eclipse-ee4j/glassfish
* Returns the path to the uploaded file if the specified field is of type
* File and if the field name is the same as one of the option names that
* was associated with an uploaded File in the incoming command request.
* @param fieldName name of the field being injected
* @param fieldType type of the field being injected
* @param optionNameToFileMap map of field names to uploaded Files
* @return absolute path of the uploaded file for the field;
* null if no file uploaded for this field
public static String getUploadedFileParamValue(final String fieldName,
final Class fieldType,
final MultiMap<String,File> optionNameToFileMap) {
if (optionNameToFileMap == null) {
return null;
final File uploadedFile = optionNameToFileMap.getOne(fieldName);
if (uploadedFile != null && fieldType.isAssignableFrom(File.class)) {
return uploadedFile.getAbsolutePath();
} else {
return null;
代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.cluster/cluster-admin
* Get list of all supplemental commands, map it to various commands and cache htis list
private Map<String, List<Inhabitant<? extends Supplemental>>> getSupplementalCommandsList() {
if(supplementalCommandsMap == null) {
synchronized(this) {
if(supplementalCommandsMap == null) {
supplementalCommandsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<Inhabitant<? extends Supplemental>>>();
Collection<Inhabitant<? extends Supplemental>> supplementals = habitat.getInhabitants(Supplemental.class);
if(!supplementals.isEmpty()) {
Iterator<Inhabitant<? extends Supplemental>> iter = supplementals.iterator();
while(iter.hasNext()) {
Inhabitant<? extends Supplemental> inh = iter.next();
String commandName = inh.metadata().getOne("target");
if(supplementalCommandsMap.containsKey(commandName)) {
} else {
ArrayList<Inhabitant<? extends Supplemental>> inhList =
new ArrayList<Inhabitant<? extends Supplemental>>();
supplementalCommandsMap.put(commandName, inhList);
return supplementalCommandsMap;
代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.hk2/config
* Calculates all @Configured interfaces subclassing the passed interface type.
* @param intf a @Configured interface
* @return List of all @Configured subclasses
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
public synchronized List<ConfigModel> getAllModelsImplementing(Class intf) throws ClassNotFoundException {
if (implementorsOf.size()==0) {
return implementorsOf.getOne(intf);
代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.hk2/hk2-config
* Calculates all @Configured interfaces subclassing the passed interface type.
* @param intf a @Configured interface
* @return List of all @Configured subclasses
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
public synchronized List<ConfigModel> getAllModelsImplementing(Class intf) throws ClassNotFoundException {
if (implementorsOf.size()==0) {
return implementorsOf.getOne(intf);
代码示例来源:origin: eclipse-ee4j/glassfish
* Calculates all @Configured interfaces subclassing the passed interface type.
* @param intf a @Configured interface
* @return List of all @Configured subclasses
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
public synchronized List<ConfigModel> getAllModelsImplementing(Class intf) throws ClassNotFoundException {
if (implementorsOf.size()==0) {
return implementorsOf.getOne(intf);
代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.enterprise/config
* Calculates all @Configured interfaces subclassing the passed interface type.
* @param intf a @Configured interface
* @return List of all @Configured subclasses
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
public synchronized List<ConfigModel> getAllModelsImplementing(Class intf) throws ClassNotFoundException {
if (implementorsOf.size()==0) {
return implementorsOf.getOne(intf);
代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.enterprise/auto-depends
* Attempts to obtain the RunLevel value from the metadata() instead of from the annotation
* which requires a class load. If it can't get it from the metadata() it will default to
* load the class to obtain the RunLevel value.
* @param i the inhabitant to get the runLevel for
* @return
protected Integer getRunLevel(AbstractInhabitantImpl<?> i) {
Integer activeRunLevel;
String runlevel = i.metadata().getOne(RunLevel.META_VAL_TAG);
if (null != runlevel && runlevel.length() > 0) {
activeRunLevel = Integer.valueOf(runlevel);
} else {
RunLevel rl = i.getAnnotation(RunLevel.class);
activeRunLevel = (null == rl) ? null : rl.value();
return activeRunLevel;
代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.enterprise/config
* probably a bit slow, calculates all the @Configured interfaces subclassing, useful
* to find all possible subclasses of a type.
* @throws ClassNotFoundException
private void initXRef() throws ClassNotFoundException {
// force initialization of all the config models.
for (Inhabitant<? extends ConfigInjector> i : habitat.getInhabitants(ConfigInjector.class)) {
for (ConfigModel cm : models.values()) {
Class targetType = cm.classLoaderHolder.get().loadClass(cm.targetTypeName);
do {
Class[] intfs = targetType.getInterfaces();
for (Class intf : intfs) {
if (intf.isAnnotationPresent(Configured.class)) {
List<ConfigModel> models = implementorsOf.getOne(intf);
if (models==null) {
models = new ArrayList<ConfigModel>();
implementorsOf.add(intf, models);
targetType = targetType.getSuperclass();
} while (targetType!=null);
代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.hk2/auto-depends
* Attempts to obtain the RunLevel value from the metadata() instead of from
* the annotation which requires a class load. If it can't get it from the
* metadata() it will default to load the class to obtain the RunLevel
* value.
* @param i
* the inhabitant to get the runLevel for
* @return
protected Integer getRunLevel(AbstractInhabitantImpl<?> i) {
Integer activeRunLevel;
String runlevel = i.metadata().getOne(RunLevel.META_VAL_TAG);
if (null != runlevel && runlevel.length() > 0) {
activeRunLevel = Integer.valueOf(runlevel);
} else {
RunLevel rl = i.getAnnotation(RunLevel.class);
activeRunLevel = (null == rl) ? null : rl.value();
return activeRunLevel;
代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.enterprise/auto-depends
public <T> T getSerializedMetadata(final Class<T> type, String key) {
String v = metadata().getOne(key);
if (v==null) {
return null;
try {
ObjectInputStream is = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(new BASE64Decoder().decodeBuffer(v))) {
final ClassLoader cl = type.getClassLoader();
* Use ClassLoader of the given type. Otherwise by default we end up using the classloader
* that loaded HK2, which won't be able to see most of the user classes.
protected Class<?> resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass desc) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
String name = desc.getName();
try {
return Class.forName(name,false,cl);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
return super.resolveClass(desc);
return type.cast(is.readObject());
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new Error(e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new Error(e);