
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-25 转载在 其他  



[英]Package private (for getting the raw map for direct manipulation by the habitat)


代码示例来源:origin: hstaudacher/osgi-jax-rs-connector

 * Checks if the map contains the given key(s), also extending the search
 * to including the sub collection.
 * @param k1 key from top collection
 * @param k2 key (value) from inner collection
 * @return true if the map contains at least one element for these keys
public boolean contains(K k1, V k2) {
  List<V> list = _get(k1);
  return list.contains(k2);

代码示例来源:origin: hstaudacher/osgi-jax-rs-connector

 * Checks if the map contains the given key(s), also extending the search
 * to including the sub collection.
 * @param k1 key from top collection
 * @param k2 key (value) from inner collection
 * @return true if the map contains at least one element for these keys
public boolean contains(K k1, V k2) {
  List<V> list = _get(k1);
  return list.contains(k2);

代码示例来源:origin: javaee/hk2

 * Checks if the map contains the given key(s), also extending the search
 * to including the sub collection.
 * @param k1 key from top collection
 * @param k2 key (value) from inner collection
 * @return true if the map contains at least one element for these keys
public boolean contains(K k1, V k2) {
  List<V> list = _get(k1);
  return list.contains(k2);

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.hk2/auto-depends

 * Checks if the map contains the given key(s), also extending the search
 * to including the sub collection.
 * @param k1 key from top collection
 * @param k2 key (value) from inner collection
 * @return true if the map contains at least one element for these keys
public boolean contains(K k1, V k2) {
  List<V> list = _get(k1);
  return list.contains(k2);

代码示例来源:origin: com.eclipsesource.jaxrs/jersey-all

 * Checks if the map contains the given key(s), also extending the search
 * to including the sub collection.
 * @param k1 key from top collection
 * @param k2 key (value) from inner collection
 * @return true if the map contains at least one element for these keys
public boolean contains(K k1, V k2) {
  List<V> list = _get(k1);
  return list.contains(k2);

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.enterprise/auto-depends

 * Checks if the map contains the given key(s), also extending the search
 * to including the sub collection.
 * @param k1 key from top collection
 * @param k2 key (value) from inner collection
 * @return true if the map contains at least one element for these keys
public boolean contains(K k1, V k2) {
  List<V> list = _get(k1);
  return list.contains(k2);

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.enterprise/auto-depends

 * Get the first inhabitant by contract
 * @param typeName fullyQualifiedClassName
 * @return
public Inhabitant<?> getInhabitantByContract(String typeName) {
  final List<NamedInhabitant> services = byContract._get(typeName);
  return (null == services || services.isEmpty()) ? null : services

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.hk2/auto-depends

 * Get the first inhabitant by contract
 * @param typeName fullyQualifiedClassName
 * @return
public Inhabitant<?> getInhabitantByContract(String typeName) {
  final List<NamedInhabitant> services = byContract._get(typeName);
  return (null == services || services.isEmpty()) ? null : services

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.enterprise/auto-depends

final List<NamedInhabitant> contracted = byContract._get(index);
if (!contracted.isEmpty()) {
  Iterator<NamedInhabitant> iter = contracted.iterator();

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.hk2/auto-depends

final List<NamedInhabitant> contracted = byContract._get(index);
if (!contracted.isEmpty()) {
  Iterator<NamedInhabitant> iter = contracted.iterator();

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.enterprise/auto-depends

 * Removes a Contracted service
 * @param index               the contract name
 * @param serviceOrInhabitant the service instance, or an Inhabitant instance
public boolean removeIndex(String index, Object serviceOrInhabitant) {
  boolean removed = false;
  if (byContract.containsKey(index)) {
    List<NamedInhabitant> contracted = byContract._get(index);
    Iterator<NamedInhabitant> iter = contracted.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      NamedInhabitant i =;
      if (matches(i.inhabitant, serviceOrInhabitant)) {
        if (concurrencyControls) {
          removed = contracted.remove(i);
          assert (removed);
        } else {
        removed = true;
        notify(i.inhabitant, EventType.INHABITANT_INDEX_REMOVED,
            index, null, service(serviceOrInhabitant), null);
        // remember to remove the components stored under its type
  return removed;

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.hk2/auto-depends

 * Removes a Contracted service
 * @param index               the contract name
 * @param serviceOrInhabitant the service instance, or an Inhabitant instance
public boolean removeIndex(String index, Object serviceOrInhabitant) {
  boolean removed = false;
  if (byContract.containsKey(index)) {
    List<NamedInhabitant> contracted = byContract._get(index);
    Iterator<NamedInhabitant> iter = contracted.iterator();
    while (iter.hasNext()) {
      NamedInhabitant i =;
      if (matches(i.inhabitant, serviceOrInhabitant)) {
        if (concurrencyControls) {
          removed = contracted.remove(i);
          assert (removed);
        } else {
        removed = true;
        notify(i.inhabitant, EventType.INHABITANT_INDEX_REMOVED,
            index, null, service(serviceOrInhabitant), null);
        // remember to remove the components stored under its type
  return removed;

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.hk2/auto-depends

List<Inhabitant> list = byType._get(HabitatListener.class.getName());
List<Inhabitant> releaseList = new ArrayList<Inhabitant>();
Iterator<Inhabitant> iter = list.iterator();

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.enterprise/auto-depends

List<Inhabitant> list = byType._get(HabitatListener.class.getName());
List<Inhabitant> releaseList = new ArrayList<Inhabitant>();
Iterator<Inhabitant> iter = list.iterator();
