
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-25 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: hstaudacher/osgi-jax-rs-connector

 * Gets the first value if any, or null.
 * <p/>
 * This is useful when you know the given key only has one value and you'd like
 * to get to that value.
 * @param k key for the values
 * @return null if the key has no values or it has a value but the value is null.
public V getOne(K k) {
  return getFirst(k);

代码示例来源:origin: com.sun.enterprise/auto-depends

 * Gets the first value if any, or null.
 * <p/>
 * This is useful when you know the given key only has one value and you'd like
 * to get to that value.
 * @param k key for the values
 * @return null if the key has no values or it has a value but the value is null.
public V getOne(K k) {
  return getFirst(k);

代码示例来源:origin: com.eclipsesource.jaxrs/jersey-all

 * Gets the first value if any, or null.
 * <p/>
 * This is useful when you know the given key only has one value and you'd like
 * to get to that value.
 * @param k key for the values
 * @return null if the key has no values or it has a value but the value is null.
public V getOne(K k) {
  return getFirst(k);

代码示例来源:origin: javaee/hk2

 * Gets the first value if any, or null.
 * <p/>
 * This is useful when you know the given key only has one value and you'd like
 * to get to that value.
 * @param k key for the values
 * @return null if the key has no values or it has a value but the value is null.
public V getOne(K k) {
  return getFirst(k);

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.hk2/auto-depends

 * Gets the first value if any, or null.
 * <p/>
 * This is useful when you know the given key only has one value and you'd like
 * to get to that value.
 * @param k key for the values
 * @return null if the key has no values or it has a value but the value is null.
public V getOne(K k) {
  return getFirst(k);

代码示例来源:origin: hstaudacher/osgi-jax-rs-connector

 * Gets the first value if any, or null.
 * <p/>
 * This is useful when you know the given key only has one value and you'd like
 * to get to that value.
 * @param k key for the values
 * @return null if the key has no values or it has a value but the value is null.
public V getOne(K k) {
  return getFirst(k);

代码示例来源:origin: org.glassfish.hk2/auto-depends

 * narrow down and return the collection for those runLevelScopes that match
protected <T> Collection<T> narrow(Collection<Inhabitant<T>> inhabs) {
  if (inhabs.isEmpty()) {
    return Collections.emptySet();
  // narrow the listeners to only our run level scope
  Collection<T> services = new ArrayList<T>();
  for (Inhabitant<?> i : inhabs) {
    String scope = i.metadata().getFirst(RunLevel.META_SCOPE_TAG);
    if (null == scope || scope.equals(targetScope.getName())) {
      services.add((T) i.get());
  return services;
