
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-17 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: apache/usergrid

   * Get the shard entry that should hold this value
  public ShardEntryGroup getShardId( final Long seek ) {
    Map.Entry<Long, ShardEntryGroup> entry = shards.floorEntry( seek );
    if ( entry == null ) {
      throw new NullPointerException( "Entry should never be null, this is a bug" );
    return entry.getValue();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

 * lookup the node containing the specified procId.
 * @param node cached node to check before doing a lookup
 * @param procId the procId to lookup
 * @return the node that may contains the procId or null
private BitSetNode lookupClosestNode(final BitSetNode node, final long procId) {
 if (node != null && node.contains(procId)) return node;
 final Map.Entry<Long, BitSetNode> entry = map.floorEntry(procId);
 return entry != null ? entry.getValue() : null;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid

 public T sample()
  final double randomValue = random.nextDouble();
  Integer valueIndex = probabilityRanges.floorEntry(randomValue).getValue();
  return normalizedPmf.get(valueIndex).getFirst();

代码示例来源:origin: atomix/atomix

public Position lookup(long index) {
 Map.Entry<Long, Integer> entry = positions.floorEntry(index);
 return entry != null ? new Position(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()) : null;


private static <K, V> V mappedValue(TreeMap<K, V> map, K key) {
  Entry<K, V> e = map.floorEntry(key);
  if (e != null && e.getValue() == null) {
    e = map.lowerEntry(key);
  return e == null ? null : e.getValue();

代码示例来源:origin: com.h2database/h2

public ByteBuffer readFully(long pos, int len) {
  Entry<Long, ByteBuffer> memEntry = memory.floorEntry(pos);
  if (memEntry == null) {
    throw DataUtils.newIllegalStateException(
        "Could not read from position {0}", pos);
  ByteBuffer buff = memEntry.getValue();
  ByteBuffer read = buff.duplicate();
  int offset = (int) (pos - memEntry.getKey());
  read.limit(len + offset);
  return read.slice();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/avro

public int segment(T value) {
 Map.Entry<T, Integer> e = index.floorEntry(value);
 if (e == null) {
  throw new SegmenterException("Could not find bucket for: " + value);
 return e.getValue();

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

public boolean isModified(long procId) {
 final Map.Entry<Long, BitSetNode> entry = map.floorEntry(procId);
 return entry != null && entry.getValue().contains(procId) &&

代码示例来源:origin: lealone/Lealone

public ByteBuffer readFully(long pos, int len) {
  Entry<Long, ByteBuffer> memEntry = memory.floorEntry(pos);
  if (memEntry == null) {
    throw DataUtils.newIllegalStateException(DataUtils.ERROR_READING_FAILED, "Could not read from position {0}",
  readBytes += len;
  ByteBuffer buff = memEntry.getValue();
  ByteBuffer read = buff.duplicate();
  int offset = (int) (pos - memEntry.getKey());
  read.limit(len + offset);
  return read.slice();

代码示例来源:origin: robolectric/robolectric

protected void restat(String path) {
 Map.Entry<String, Stats> mapEntry = stats.floorEntry(path);
 for (;;) {
  // We will hit all matching paths, longest one first. We may hit non-matching paths before we
  // find the right one.
  if (mapEntry == null) {
   stat = DEFAULT_STATS;
  String key = mapEntry.getKey();
  if (path.startsWith(key)) {
   stat = mapEntry.getValue();
  mapEntry = stats.lowerEntry(key);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

private SortedMap<Long, Long> getAndValidateMissingChunks(
  int maxAlloc, long from, long to) {
 Map.Entry<Long, Long> firstMissing = chunkIndex.floorEntry(from);
 if (firstMissing == null) {
  throw new AssertionError("No lower bound for start offset " + from);
 if (firstMissing.getValue() <= from
   || ((from - firstMissing.getKey()) % maxAlloc) != 0) {
  // The data does not belong to a recognized chunk, or is split wrong.
  throw new AssertionError("Lower bound for start offset " + from + " is ["
    + firstMissing.getKey() + ", " + firstMissing.getValue() + ")");
 SortedMap<Long, Long> missingChunks = chunkIndex.subMap(firstMissing.getKey(), to);
 if (missingChunks.isEmpty()) {
  throw new AssertionError("No chunks for [" + from + ", " + to + ")");
 long lastMissingOffset = missingChunks.lastKey(),
   lastMissingEnd = missingChunks.get(lastMissingOffset);
 if (lastMissingEnd < to
   || (to != lastMissingEnd && ((to - lastMissingOffset) % maxAlloc) != 0)) {
  // The data does not belong to a recognized chunk, or is split wrong.
  throw new AssertionError("Lower bound for end offset " + to + " is ["
    + lastMissingOffset + ", " + lastMissingEnd + ")");
 return missingChunks;

代码示例来源:origin: EngineHub/WorldEdit

private double arcToParameter(double arc) {
  if (cache.isEmpty())
    throw new IllegalStateException("Must call setNodes first.");
  if (arc > 1) arc = 1;
  arc *= totalArcLength;
  Entry<Double, Double> floorEntry = cache.floorEntry(arc);
  final double leftArc = floorEntry.getKey();
  final double leftParameter = floorEntry.getValue();
  if (leftArc == arc) {
    return leftParameter;
  Entry<Double, Double> ceilingEntry = cache.ceilingEntry(arc);
  if (ceilingEntry == null) {
    log.warning("Error in arcToParameter: no ceiling entry for " + arc + " found!");
    return 0;
  final double rightArc = ceilingEntry.getKey();
  final double rightParameter = ceilingEntry.getValue();
  if (rightArc == arc) {
    return rightParameter;
  return evaluate(arc, leftArc, leftParameter, rightArc, rightParameter);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

 * If {@link #partial} is false, returns state from the bitmap. If no state is found for
 * {@code procId}, returns YES.
 * If partial is true, tracker doesn't have complete view of system state, so it returns MAYBE
 * if there is no update for the procedure or if it doesn't have a state in bitmap. Otherwise,
 * returns state from the bitmap.
public DeleteState isDeleted(long procId) {
 Map.Entry<Long, BitSetNode> entry = map.floorEntry(procId);
 if (entry != null && entry.getValue().contains(procId)) {
  BitSetNode node = entry.getValue();
  DeleteState state = node.isDeleted(procId);
  return partial && !node.isModified(procId) ? DeleteState.MAYBE : state;
 return partial ? DeleteState.MAYBE : DeleteState.YES;

代码示例来源:origin: com.h2database/h2

public void writeFully(long pos, ByteBuffer src) {
  fileSize = Math.max(fileSize, pos + src.remaining());
  Entry<Long, ByteBuffer> mem = memory.floorEntry(pos);
  if (mem == null) {

代码示例来源:origin: lealone/Lealone

public void writeFully(long pos, ByteBuffer src) {
  fileSize = Math.max(fileSize, pos + src.remaining());
  Entry<Long, ByteBuffer> mem = memory.floorEntry(pos);
  if (mem == null) {
    // not found: create a new entry
    writeNewEntry(pos, src);
  long prevPos = mem.getKey();
  ByteBuffer buff = mem.getValue();
  int prevLength = buff.capacity();
  int length = src.remaining();
  if (prevPos == pos) {
    if (prevLength != length) {
      throw DataUtils.newIllegalStateException(DataUtils.ERROR_READING_FAILED,
          "Could not write to position {0}; " + "partial overwrite is not supported", pos);
    writeBytes += length;
  if (prevPos + prevLength > pos) {
    throw DataUtils.newIllegalStateException(DataUtils.ERROR_READING_FAILED,
        "Could not write to position {0}; " + "partial overwrite is not supported", pos);
  writeNewEntry(pos, src);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hive

Map.Entry<Long, BlockLocation> startEntry = locations.floorEntry(offset);
BlockLocation start = startEntry.getValue();
if (offset + length <= start.getOffset() + start.getLength()) {
 Map.Entry<Long, BlockLocation> endEntry = locations.floorEntry(offset + length);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/ignite

assert aliveSrvs.size() > 1 : aliveSrvs;
Map.Entry<Long, String> prevE = aliveSrvs.floorEntry(locInternalOrder - 1);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/incubator-druid

while (it.hasNext()) {
 Interval interval =;
 Map.Entry<Long, Long> floor = granularThresholds.floorEntry(granularity.bucketStart(interval.getStart()).getMillis());
 if (floor == null || interval.getEndMillis() <= floor.getValue()) {

代码示例来源:origin: apache/ignite

assert aliveClients.size() > 1 : aliveClients;
Map.Entry<Long, String> prevE = aliveClients.floorEntry(locInternalOrder - 1);

代码示例来源:origin: apache/hbase

Map.Entry<Long, BitSetNode> leftEntry = map.floorEntry(procId);
if (leftEntry != null) {
 leftNode = leftEntry.getValue();
