
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-17 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: OpenHFT/Chronicle-Queue

  public void onNewChunk(final String filename, final int chunk, final long delayMicros) {
    chunkMap.computeIfAbsent(filename, f -> new ArrayList<>()).add(chunk);

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.spark/spark-core_2.10

long key = c.getUsed();
List<MemoryConsumer> list =
  sortedConsumers.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new ArrayList<>(1));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.spark/spark-core

long key = c.getUsed();
List<MemoryConsumer> list =
  sortedConsumers.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new ArrayList<>(1));

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.spark/spark-core_2.11

long key = c.getUsed();
List<MemoryConsumer> list =
  sortedConsumers.computeIfAbsent(key, k -> new ArrayList<>(1));

代码示例来源:origin: quickfix-j/quickfixj

public List<Group> getGroups(int field) {
  return groups.computeIfAbsent(field, k -> new ArrayList<>());

代码示例来源:origin: org.quickfixj/quickfixj-all

public List<Group> getGroups(int field) {
  return groups.computeIfAbsent(field, k -> new ArrayList<>());

代码示例来源:origin: cc.redberry/rings

public void add(SyzygyPair<Term, Poly> sPair) {
  sPairs.computeIfAbsent(weightFunction.applyAsInt(sPair), __ -> new TreeSet<>(selectionStrategy)).add(sPair);

代码示例来源:origin: vmware/xenon

public void addNewSearcher(IndexSearcher searcher, long creationMicros, long expirationMicros) {
  PaginatedSearcherInfo info = new PaginatedSearcherInfo();
  info.creationTimeMicros = creationMicros;
  info.expirationTimeMicros = expirationMicros;
  info.refCount = 1;
  this.infoBySearcher.put(searcher, info);
  this.searcherByCreationTime.put(creationMicros, searcher);
  List<IndexSearcher> expirationList = this.searchersByExpirationTime
      .computeIfAbsent(expirationMicros, k -> new ArrayList<>(1));

代码示例来源:origin: addthis/hydra

public void addTaskToQueue(int jobPriority, JobKey task, int kickPriority, boolean toHead) {
  try {
    int totalPriority = jobPriority + kickPriority;
    LinkedList<SpawnQueueItem> queue = this.mappedQueues.computeIfAbsent(totalPriority, i -> new LinkedList<>());
    if (toHead) {
      queue.addFirst(new SpawnQueueItem(task, kickPriority));
    } else {
      queue.addLast(new SpawnQueueItem(task, kickPriority));
  } finally {

代码示例来源:origin: org.infinispan/infinispan-persistence-soft-index

void freeIndexSpace(long offset, short length) {
  if (length <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Offset=" + offset + ", length=" + length);
  // TODO: fragmentation!
  // TODO: memory bounds!
  if (offset + length < indexFileSize) {
   freeBlocks.computeIfAbsent(length, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(new IndexSpace(offset, length));
  } else {
   indexFileSize -= length;
   try {
   } catch (IOException e) {

代码示例来源:origin: com.qwazr/qwazr-search

protected static String[] from(final String fieldName, final Map<String, Copy> copyMap) {
  if (copyMap == null || copyMap.isEmpty())
    return null;
  final TreeMap<Integer, List<String>> map = new TreeMap<>();
  copyMap.forEach((name, copy) -> {
    for (Copy.To to :
      if (fieldName.equals(to.field()))
        map.computeIfAbsent(to.order(), order -> new ArrayList<>()).add(name);
  final List<String> globalCopyFromList = new ArrayList<>();
  map.forEach((order, copyFromList) -> globalCopyFromList.addAll(copyFromList));
  return globalCopyFromList.toArray(ArrayUtils.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY);

代码示例来源:origin: io.permazen/permazen-coreapi

 * Add a pending notification for any {@link FieldMonitor}s watching the specified field in the specified object.
 * This method assumes only the appropriate type of monitor is registered as a listener on the field
 * and that the provided old and new values have the appropriate types.
 * <p>
 * This method should only be invoked if this.disableListenerNotifications is false.
void addFieldChangeNotification(FieldChangeNotifier<?> notifier) {
  assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
  assert !this.disableListenerNotifications;
  // Get info
  final ObjId id = notifier.getId();
  final int fieldStorageId = notifier.getStorageId();
  // Does anybody care?
  if (!this.hasFieldMonitor(id, fieldStorageId))
  // Add a pending field monitor notification for the specified field
  this.pendingNotifications.get().computeIfAbsent(fieldStorageId, i -> new ArrayList<>(2)).add(notifier);

代码示例来源:origin: Qihoo360/Quicksql

 * Handles adding a command to {@link #threadMap}.
 * @return the newly-added command
protected ConcurrentTestCommand addCommand(
  int threadId,
  int order,
  ConcurrentTestCommand command) {
 assert threadId > 0;
 assert order > 0;
 TreeMap<Integer, ConcurrentTestCommand> commandMap =
   threadMap.computeIfAbsent(threadId, k -> new TreeMap<>());
 // check for duplicate order numbers
 assert !commandMap.containsKey(order);
 commandMap.put(order, command);
 return command;

代码示例来源:origin: org.basex/basex

 * Adds a value for the specified slot size.
 * @param size byte size
 * @param offset file offset
 * @param opt optimize
private void add(final int size, final long offset, final boolean opt) {
 free.computeIfAbsent(size, k -> new LongList()).add(offset);
 if(opt) optimize();

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.calcite/calcite-core

 * Handles adding a command to {@link #threadMap}.
 * @return the newly-added command
protected ConcurrentTestCommand addCommand(
  int threadId,
  int order,
  ConcurrentTestCommand command) {
 assert threadId > 0;
 assert order > 0;
 TreeMap<Integer, ConcurrentTestCommand> commandMap =
   threadMap.computeIfAbsent(threadId, k -> new TreeMap<>());
 // check for duplicate order numbers
 assert !commandMap.containsKey(order);
 commandMap.put(order, command);
 return command;

代码示例来源:origin: apache/roller

 * @inheritDoc
public Map<Date, List<WeblogEntry>> getWeblogEntryObjectMap(WeblogEntrySearchCriteria wesc) throws WebloggerException {
  TreeMap<Date, List<WeblogEntry>> map = new TreeMap<>(Collections.reverseOrder());
  List<WeblogEntry> entries = getWeblogEntries(wesc);
  Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
  if (wesc.getWeblog() != null) {
  for (WeblogEntry entry : entries) {
    Date sDate = DateUtil.getNoonOfDay(entry.getPubTime(), cal);
    List<WeblogEntry> dayEntries = map.computeIfAbsent(sDate, k -> new ArrayList<>());
  return map;

代码示例来源:origin: BaseXdb/basex

 * Adds a value for the specified slot size.
 * @param size byte size
 * @param offset file offset
 * @param opt optimize
private void add(final int size, final long offset, final boolean opt) {
 free.computeIfAbsent(size, k -> new LongList()).add(offset);
 if(opt) optimize();

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.lens/lens-cube

 * helper method for ensuring get(storageTable).get(updatePeriod).get(partitionColumn) gives a non-null object.
 * <p></p>
 * kind of like mkdir -p
 * @param timeLineKey    storage table
 * @param updatePeriod    update period
 * @param partitionColumn partition column
 * @return timeline if already exists, or puts a new timeline and returns.
public PartitionTimeline ensureEntry(String timeLineKey, String storagTableName, UpdatePeriod updatePeriod,
 String partitionColumn) {
 return this
  .computeIfAbsent(timeLineKey, s -> new TreeMap<>())
  .computeIfAbsent(updatePeriod, k -> new CaseInsensitiveStringHashMap<>())
  .computeIfAbsent(partitionColumn, c -> PartitionTimelineFactory.get(
  CubeMetastoreClient.this, storagTableName, updatePeriod, c));

代码示例来源:origin: apache/lens

 * helper method for ensuring get(storageTable).get(updatePeriod).get(partitionColumn) gives a non-null object.
 * <p></p>
 * kind of like mkdir -p
 * @param timeLineKey    storage table
 * @param updatePeriod    update period
 * @param partitionColumn partition column
 * @return timeline if already exists, or puts a new timeline and returns.
public PartitionTimeline ensureEntry(String timeLineKey, String storagTableName, UpdatePeriod updatePeriod,
 String partitionColumn) {
 return this
  .computeIfAbsent(timeLineKey, s -> new TreeMap<>())
  .computeIfAbsent(updatePeriod, k -> new CaseInsensitiveStringHashMap<>())
  .computeIfAbsent(partitionColumn, c -> PartitionTimelineFactory.get(
   CubeMetastoreClient.this, storagTableName, updatePeriod, c));

代码示例来源:origin: hneemann/Digital

private void addProdFor(String name, Expression e) throws FuseMapFillerException {
  ProdInput pt = new ProdInput(getInputCount());
  if (e instanceof Operation.And) {
    Operation.And and = (Operation.And) e;
    for (Expression z : and.getExpressions())
  } else
  StateSet o = termMap.computeIfAbsent(pt, k -> new StateSet(getOutputCount()));
