
x33g5p2x  于2022-01-17 转载在 其他  





代码示例来源:origin: stanfordnlp/CoreNLP

int getSeparatorCount(Tree right, Tree left) {
 if (right == null || left == null) {
  return 0;
 int leftHead = ShiftReduceUtils.headIndex(left);
 int rightHead = ShiftReduceUtils.headIndex(right);
 Integer nextSeparator = separators.higherKey(leftHead);
 int count = 0;
 while (nextSeparator != null && nextSeparator < rightHead) {
  nextSeparator = separators.higherKey(nextSeparator);
 return count;


TreeMap<Integer,String> map = new TreeMap<Integer,String>();
map.put(33, "Three");
map.put(44, "Four");
map.put(11, "One");
map.put(22, "Two");

int thirdKey = map.higherKey(map.higherKey(map.firstKey()));
System.out.println(thirdKey); // prints "33"

代码示例来源:origin: worstcase/gumshoe

public Long getPositionAtOrAfter(Long position) {
    if(timeByPosition.isEmpty()) { return null; }
    if(position==null) {
      return timeByPosition.firstKey();
    if(timeByPosition.containsKey(position)) {
      return position;
    return timeByPosition.higherKey(position);

代码示例来源:origin: testwhat/SmaliEx

private String formatAnnotation(int offset, String annotationMsg) {
  Integer endOffset = annotatations.higherKey(offset);
  return formatAnnotation(offset, endOffset, annotationMsg);

代码示例来源:origin: org.smali/dexlib2

private String formatAnnotation(int offset, String annotationMsg) {
  Integer endOffset = annotatations.higherKey(offset);
  return formatAnnotation(offset, endOffset, annotationMsg);

代码示例来源:origin: edu.stanford.nlp/stanford-parser

int getSeparatorCount(Tree right, Tree left) {
 if (right == null || left == null) {
  return 0;
 int leftHead = ShiftReduceUtils.headIndex(left);
 int rightHead = ShiftReduceUtils.headIndex(right);
 Integer nextSeparator = separators.higherKey(leftHead);
 int count = 0;
 while (nextSeparator != null && nextSeparator < rightHead) {
  nextSeparator = separators.higherKey(nextSeparator);
 return count;

代码示例来源:origin: CvvT/AppTroy

private String formatAnnotation(int offset, String annotationMsg) {
  Integer endOffset = annotatations.higherKey(offset);
  return formatAnnotation(offset, endOffset, annotationMsg);

代码示例来源:origin: edu.stanford.nlp/stanford-corenlp

int getSeparatorCount(Tree right, Tree left) {
 if (right == null || left == null) {
  return 0;
 int leftHead = ShiftReduceUtils.headIndex(left);
 int rightHead = ShiftReduceUtils.headIndex(right);
 Integer nextSeparator = separators.higherKey(leftHead);
 int count = 0;
 while (nextSeparator != null && nextSeparator < rightHead) {
  nextSeparator = separators.higherKey(nextSeparator);
 return count;

代码示例来源:origin: KB5201314/ZjDroid

private String formatAnnotation(int offset, String annotationMsg) {
  Integer endOffset = annotatations.higherKey(offset);
  return formatAnnotation(offset, endOffset, annotationMsg);

代码示例来源:origin: com.guokr/stan-cn-com

int getSeparatorCount(Tree right, Tree left) {
 if (right == null || left == null) {
  return 0;
 int leftHead = ShiftReduceUtils.headIndex(left);
 int rightHead = ShiftReduceUtils.headIndex(right);
 Integer nextSeparator = separators.higherKey(leftHead);
 int count = 0;
 while (nextSeparator != null && nextSeparator < rightHead) {
  nextSeparator = separators.higherKey(nextSeparator);
 return count;


public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

  int arrayOne[] = {1, 50, 100, 50, 100, 22, 23, 26};
  int arrayTwo[] = {1, 45, 22, 23, 52, 90, 100, 99};

  TreeMap<Integer, Integer> map = new TreeMap<Integer, Integer>();
  for (int i = 0; i < arrayTwo.length; i++)
    if (!map.containsKey(arrayTwo[i])) // if you want it to choose the first
      map.put(arrayTwo[i], i);

  int arrayThree[] = new int[arrayOne.length];

  for (int i = 0; i < arrayThree.length; i++) {
    int v = arrayOne[i];

    Integer h = map.higherKey(v - 1);
    Integer l = map.lowerKey(v);

    arrayThree[i] = map.get(l !=null && (h ==null || v - l < h - v) ? l : h);


代码示例来源:origin: fenix-framework/fenix-framework

private TreeMap<Comparable, AbstractNode> justInsert(Comparable middleKey, AbstractNode subLeftNode, AbstractNode subRightNode) {
  TreeMap<Comparable, AbstractNode> newMap = duplicateMap();
  // find smallest key greater than middleKey
  Comparable keyJustAfterMiddleKey = newMap.higherKey(middleKey);
  newMap.put(keyJustAfterMiddleKey, subRightNode); // this replaces the previous mapping
  newMap.put(middleKey, subLeftNode); // this adds the new split
  return newMap;

代码示例来源:origin: org.neo4j/neo4j-causal-clustering

ValueRange<K,V> lookup( K at )
  if ( endKey != null && endKey.compareTo( at ) <= 0 )
    return new ValueRange<>( null, endValue );
  Map.Entry<K,V> entry = tree.floorEntry( at );
  return new ValueRange<>( tree.higherKey( at ), entry != null ? entry.getValue() : null );

代码示例来源:origin: org.neo4j/neo4j-core-edge

ValueRange<K,V> lookup( K at )
  if ( endKey != null && endKey.compareTo( at ) <= 0 )
    return new ValueRange<>( null, endValue );
  Map.Entry<K,V> entry = tree.floorEntry( at );
  return new ValueRange<>( tree.higherKey( at ), entry != null ? entry.getValue() : null );

代码示例来源:origin: MSGFPlus/msgfplus

public String getMatchingEntry(String name) {
  String key = this.header2ends.ceilingKey(name);
  if (key == null || !key.startsWith(name)) return null;
  int position = this.header2ends.get(key) - 1;
  Integer start = annotations.floorKey(position);   // always "_" at start
  Integer end = annotations.higherKey(position);    // exclusive
  if (start == null) start = 0;
  if (end == null) end = (int) this.getSize();
  while (!isValid(end - 1)) end--;     // ensure that the last character is valid (exclusive)
  return this.getSubsequence(start + 1, end);

代码示例来源:origin: MSGFPlus/msgfplus

public String getMatchingEntry(long position) {
  Integer start = annotations.floorKey((int) position);     // always "_" at start
  Integer end = annotations.higherKey((int) position);       // exclusive
  if (start == null) start = 0;
  if (end == null) end = (int) this.getSize();
  while (!isValid(end - 1)) end--;     // ensure that the last character is valid (exclusive)
  return this.getSubsequence(start + 1, end);

代码示例来源:origin: MSGFPlus/msgfplus

public String getMatchingEntry(long position) {
  Integer start = annotations.floorKey((int) position);     // always "_" at start
  Integer end = annotations.higherKey((int) position);       // exclusive
  if (start == null) start = 0;
  if (end == null) end = (int) this.getSize();
  while (!isValid(end - 1)) end--;     // ensure that the last character is valid (exclusive)
  return this.getSubsequence(start + 1, end);

代码示例来源:origin: MSGFPlus/msgfplus

public List<Pair<Integer, Float>> getXIC(int scanNum, float mz, Tolerance tol) {
  ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Float>> xic = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Float>>();
  Peak p;
  // Move down
  Integer curScanNum = scanNum;
  while (curScanNum != null && scanNum > 0) {
    curScanNum = ms1SpecMap.lowerKey(curScanNum);
    if ((p = getMS1Peak(curScanNum, mz, tol)) != null)
      xic.add(new Pair<Integer, Float>(curScanNum, p.getIntensity()));
  // Move up
  curScanNum = scanNum;
  while (curScanNum != null && curScanNum < 100000) {
    curScanNum = ms1SpecMap.higherKey(curScanNum);
    if ((p = getMS1Peak(curScanNum, mz, tol)) != null)
      xic.add(new Pair<Integer, Float>(curScanNum, p.getIntensity()));
  Collections.sort(xic, new Pair.PairComparator<Integer, Float>());
  return xic;

代码示例来源:origin: org.apache.servicemix.bundles/org.apache.servicemix.bundles.saxon

curr = null;
} else {
  curr = (CodepointMatchKey) index.higherKey(curr);

代码示例来源:origin: net.sf.saxon/Saxon-HE

curr = null;
} else {
  curr = (CodepointMatchKey) index.higherKey(curr);
