代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/dl4j-examples
public static void main(String[] args) {
INDArray arr = Nd4j.create(300);
double numTimes = 10000000;
double total = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < numTimes; i++) {
long start = System.nanoTime();
Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().axpy(new Integer(1), arr,arr);
long after = System.nanoTime();
long add = Math.abs(after - start);
System.out.println("Took " + add);
total += Math.abs(after - start);
System.out.println("Avg time " + (total / numTimes));
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public Map<Integer, Double> labelCounts() {
Map<Integer, Double> ret = new HashMap<>();
if (labels == null)
return ret;
long nTensors = labels.tensorssAlongDimension(1);
for (int i = 0; i < nTensors; i++) {
INDArray row = labels.tensorAlongDimension(i, 1);
INDArray javaRow = labels.javaTensorAlongDimension(i, 1);
int maxIdx = Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().iamax(row);
int maxIdxJava = Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().iamax(javaRow);
if (maxIdx < 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("Please check the iamax implementation for "
+ Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().getClass().getName());
if (ret.get(maxIdx) == null)
ret.put(maxIdx, 1.0);
ret.put(maxIdx, ret.get(maxIdx) + 1.0);
return ret;
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public int outcome() {
return Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().iamax(getLabels());
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
* Scale by 1 / norm2 of the matrix
* @param toScale the ndarray to scale
* @return the scaled ndarray
public static INDArray unitVec(INDArray toScale) {
double length = toScale.norm2Number().doubleValue();
if (length > 0) {
if (toScale.data().dataType() == (DataBuffer.Type.FLOAT))
return Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().scal(1.0f / (float) length, toScale);
return Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().scal(1.0 / length, toScale);
return toScale;
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
* Compute generalized eigenvalues of the problem A x = L x.
* Matrix A is modified in the process, holding eigenvectors after execution.
* @param A symmetric Matrix A. After execution, A will contain the eigenvectors as columns
* @return a vector of eigenvalues L.
public static INDArray symmetricGeneralizedEigenvalues(INDArray A) {
INDArray eigenvalues = Nd4j.create(A.rows());
Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().syev('V', 'L', A, eigenvalues);
return eigenvalues;
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
/** Matrix multiply: Implements c = alpha*op(a)*op(b) + beta*c where op(X) means transpose X (or not)
* depending on setting of arguments transposeA and transposeB.<br>
* Note that matrix c MUST be fortran order, have zero offset and have c.data().length == c.length().
* An exception will be thrown otherwise.<br>
* Don't use this unless you know about level 3 blas and NDArray storage orders.
* @param a First matrix
* @param b Second matrix
* @param c result matrix. Used in calculation (assuming beta != 0) and result is stored in this. f order,
* zero offset and length == data.length only
* @param transposeA if true: transpose matrix a before mmul
* @param transposeB if true: transpose matrix b before mmul
* @return result, i.e., matrix c is returned for convenience
public static INDArray gemm(INDArray a,
INDArray b,
INDArray c,
boolean transposeA,
boolean transposeB,
double alpha,
double beta) {
getBlasWrapper().level3().gemm(a, b, c, transposeA, transposeB, alpha, beta);
return c;
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
* in place subtraction of two matrices
* @param other the second ndarray to subtract
* @param result the result ndarray
* @return the result of the subtraction
public IComplexNDArray subi(INDArray other, INDArray result) {
IComplexNDArray cOther = (IComplexNDArray) other;
IComplexNDArray cResult = (IComplexNDArray) result;
if (other.isScalar())
return subi(cOther.getComplex(0), result);
if (result == this)
Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().axpy(Nd4j.NEG_UNIT, cOther, cResult);
else if (result == other) {
if (data.dataType() == (DataBuffer.Type.DOUBLE)) {
Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().scal(Nd4j.NEG_UNIT.asDouble(), cResult);
Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().axpy(Nd4j.UNIT, this, cResult);
} else {
Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().scal(Nd4j.NEG_UNIT.asFloat(), cResult);
Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().axpy(Nd4j.UNIT, this, cResult);
} else {
Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().copy(this, result);
Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().axpy(Nd4j.NEG_UNIT, cOther, cResult);
return cResult;
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
* Compute generalized eigenvalues of the problem A x = L x.
* Matrix A is modified in the process, holding eigenvectors as columns after execution.
* @param A symmetric Matrix A. After execution, A will contain the eigenvectors as columns
* @param calculateVectors if false, it will not modify A and calculate eigenvectors
* @return a vector of eigenvalues L.
public static INDArray symmetricGeneralizedEigenvalues(INDArray A, boolean calculateVectors) {
INDArray eigenvalues = Nd4j.create(A.rows());
Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().syev('V', 'L', (calculateVectors ? A : A.dup()), eigenvalues);
return eigenvalues;
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public INDArray mmul(INDArray other) {
long[] shape = {rows(), other.columns()};
INDArray result = createUninitialized(shape, 'f');
if (result.isScalar())
return Nd4j.scalar(Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().dot(this, other));
return mmuli(other, result);
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
* Computes the eigenvalues of a general matrix.
public static IComplexNDArray eigenvalues(INDArray A) {
assert A.rows() == A.columns();
INDArray WR = Nd4j.create(A.rows(), A.rows());
INDArray WI = WR.dup();
Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().geev('N', 'N', A.dup(), WR, WI, dummy, dummy);
return Nd4j.createComplex(WR, WI);
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
* Perform a copy matrix multiplication
* @param other the other matrix to perform matrix multiply with
* @return the result of the matrix multiplication
public INDArray mmul(INDArray other) {
// FIXME: for 1D case, we probably want vector output here?
long[] shape = {rows(), other.rank() == 1 ? 1 : other.columns()};
INDArray result = createUninitialized(shape, 'f');
if (result.isScalar())
return Nd4j.scalar(Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().dot(this, other));
return mmuli(other, result);
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
* Compute generalized eigenvalues of the problem A x = L B x.
* The data will be unchanged, no eigenvectors returned.
* @param A symmetric Matrix A.
* @param B symmetric Matrix B.
* @return a vector of eigenvalues L.
public static INDArray symmetricGeneralizedEigenvalues(INDArray A, INDArray B) {
assert A.rows() == A.columns();
assert B.rows() == B.columns();
INDArray W = Nd4j.create(A.rows());
A = InvertMatrix.invert(B, false).mmuli(A);
Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().syev('V', 'L', A, W);
return W;
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
* Returns a column vector where each entry is the nth bilinear
* product of the nth slices of the two tensors.
public INDArray bilinearProducts(INDArray curr, INDArray in) {
assert curr.shape().length == 3;
if (in.columns() != 1) {
throw new AssertionError("Expected a column vector");
if (in.rows() != curr.size(curr.shape().length - 1)) {
throw new AssertionError("Number of rows in the input does not match number of columns in tensor");
if (curr.size(curr.shape().length - 2) != curr.size(curr.shape().length - 1)) {
throw new AssertionError("Can only perform this operation on a SimpleTensor with square slices");
INDArray ret = Nd4j.create(curr.slices(), 1);
INDArray inT = in.transpose();
for (int i = 0; i < curr.slices(); i++) {
INDArray slice = curr.slice(i);
INDArray inTTimesSlice = inT.mmul(slice);
ret.putScalar(i, Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().dot(inTTimesSlice, in));
return ret;
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().axpy(Nd4j.UNIT, cOther, cResult);
} else if (result == other) {
Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().axpy(Nd4j.UNIT, this, cResult);
} else {
INDArray resultLinear = result.linearView();
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
BlasBufferUtil.getCharForTranspose(this), Nd4j.UNIT, this, otherArray, Nd4j.ZERO, temp);
} else {
BlasBufferUtil.getCharForTranspose(this), BlasBufferUtil.getCharForTranspose(other),
Nd4j.UNIT, this, otherArray, Nd4j.ZERO, temp);
Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().copy(temp, resultArray);
BlasBufferUtil.getCharForTranspose(this), Nd4j.UNIT, this, otherArray, Nd4j.ZERO,
BlasBufferUtil.getCharForTranspose(this), BlasBufferUtil.getCharForTranspose(other),
Nd4j.UNIT, this, otherArray, Nd4j.ZERO, resultArray);
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
* Compute generalized eigenvalues of the problem A x = L B x.
* The data will be unchanged, no eigenvectors returned unless calculateVectors is true.
* If calculateVectors == true, A will contain a matrix with the eigenvectors as columns.
* @param A symmetric Matrix A.
* @param B symmetric Matrix B.
* @return a vector of eigenvalues L.
public static INDArray symmetricGeneralizedEigenvalues(INDArray A, INDArray B, boolean calculateVectors) {
assert A.rows() == A.columns();
assert B.rows() == B.columns();
INDArray W = Nd4j.create(A.rows());
if (calculateVectors)
A.assign(InvertMatrix.invert(B, false).mmuli(A));
A = InvertMatrix.invert(B, false).mmuli(A);
Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().syev('V', 'L', A, W);
return W;
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().lapack().gesvd(A, s, null, VT);
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().level2().gemv(ordering(), BlasBufferUtil.getCharForTranspose(other), 1.0, this, other,
0.0, gemmResultArr);
} else {
Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().level3().gemm(ordering(), BlasBufferUtil.getCharForTranspose(other),
BlasBufferUtil.getCharForTranspose(gemmResultArr), 1.0, this, other, 0.0, gemmResultArr);
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public INDArray sample(int[] shape) {
int numRows = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < shape.length - 1; i++)
numRows *= shape[i];
int numCols = shape[shape.length - 1];
val flatShape = new int[]{numRows, numCols};
val flatRng = Nd4j.getExecutioner().exec(new GaussianDistribution(Nd4j.createUninitialized(flatShape, Nd4j.order()), 0.0, 1.0), random);
long m = flatRng.rows();
long n = flatRng.columns();
val s = Nd4j.create(m < n ? m : n);
val u = m < n ? Nd4j.create(m, n) : Nd4j.create(m, m);
val v = Nd4j.create(n, n, 'f');
Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().lapack().gesvd(flatRng, s, u, v);
// FIXME: int cast
if (gains == null) {
if (u.rows() == numRows && u.columns() == numCols) {
return v.get(NDArrayIndex.interval(0, numRows), NDArrayIndex.interval(0, numCols)).mul(gain).reshape(ArrayUtil.toLongArray(shape));
} else {
return u.get(NDArrayIndex.interval(0, numRows), NDArrayIndex.interval(0, numCols)).mul(gain).reshape(ArrayUtil.toLongArray(shape));
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
INDArray VL = Nd4j.create(A.rows(), A.rows());
Nd4j.getBlasWrapper().geev('v', 'v', A.dup(), WR, WI, VL, VR);