[英]Create a random ndarray with the given shape and output order
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public INDArray doCreate(long[] shape, INDArray paramsView) {
//As per Glorot and Bengio 2010: Uniform distribution U(-s,s) with s = sqrt(6/(fanIn + fanOut))
//Eq 16: http://jmlr.org/proceedings/papers/v9/glorot10a/glorot10a.pdf
double s = Math.sqrt(6.0) / Math.sqrt(fanIn + fanOut);
return Nd4j.rand(shape, Nd4j.getDistributions().createUniform(-s, s));
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public INDArray doCreate(long[] shape, INDArray paramsView) {
double scalingFanIn = 3.0 / Math.sqrt(fanIn);
return Nd4j.rand(shape, Nd4j.getDistributions().createUniform(-scalingFanIn, scalingFanIn));
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public INDArray doCreate(long[] shape, INDArray paramsView) {
double a = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(fanIn);
return Nd4j.rand(shape, Nd4j.getDistributions().createUniform(-a, a));
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public INDArray doCreate(long[] shape, INDArray paramsView) {
double r = 4.0 * Math.sqrt(6.0 / (fanIn + fanOut));
return Nd4j.rand(shape, Nd4j.getDistributions().createUniform(-r, r));
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public INDArray doCreate(long[] shape, INDArray paramsView) {
double u = Math.sqrt(6.0 / fanIn);
return Nd4j.rand(shape, Nd4j.getDistributions().createUniform(-u, u)); //U(-sqrt(6/fanIn), sqrt(6/fanIn)
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public INDArray doCreate(long[] shape, INDArray paramsView) {
double scalingFanAvg = 3.0 / Math.sqrt((fanIn + fanOut) / 2);
return Nd4j.rand(shape, Nd4j.getDistributions().createUniform(-scalingFanAvg, scalingFanAvg));
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public INDArray doCreate(long[] shape, INDArray paramsView) {
double scalingFanOut = 3.0 / Math.sqrt(fanOut);
return Nd4j.rand(shape, Nd4j.getDistributions().createUniform(-scalingFanOut, scalingFanOut));
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public INDArray doCreate(long[] shape, INDArray paramsView) {
double b = 3.0 / Math.sqrt(fanIn);
return Nd4j.rand(shape, Nd4j.getDistributions().createUniform(-b, b));
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
* Create a random ndarray with the given shape and array order
* @param order the order of the ndarray to return
* @param shape the shape of the ndarray
* @return the random ndarray with the specified shape
public static INDArray rand(char order, int[] shape) {
INDArray ret = Nd4j.createUninitialized(shape, order); //INSTANCE.rand(order, shape);
return rand(ret);
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public static List<Pair<INDArray, String>> get5dPermutedWithShape(int seed, int... shape) {
int[] createdShape = {shape[1], shape[4], shape[3], shape[2], shape[0]};
INDArray arr = Nd4j.rand(createdShape);
INDArray permuted = arr.permute(4, 0, 3, 2, 1);
return Collections.singletonList(new Pair<>(permuted,
"get5dPermutedWithShape(" + seed + "," + Arrays.toString(shape) + ").get(0)"));
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public static List<Pair<INDArray, String>> get4dPermutedWithShape(int seed, int... shape) {
int[] createdShape = {shape[1], shape[3], shape[2], shape[0]};
INDArray arr = Nd4j.rand(createdShape);
INDArray permuted = arr.permute(3, 0, 2, 1);
return Collections.singletonList(new Pair<>(permuted,
"get4dPermutedWithShape(" + seed + "," + Arrays.toString(shape) + ").get(0)"));
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public static List<Pair<INDArray, String>> get6dPermutedWithShape(int seed, int... shape) {
int[] createdShape = {shape[1], shape[4], shape[5], shape[3], shape[2], shape[0]};
INDArray arr = Nd4j.rand(createdShape);
INDArray permuted = arr.permute(5, 0, 4, 3, 1, 2);
return Collections.singletonList(new Pair<>(permuted,
"get6dPermutedWithShape(" + seed + "," + Arrays.toString(shape) + ").get(0)"));
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
* Create a random ndarray with the given shape using
* the current time as the seed
* @param shape the shape of the ndarray
* @return the random ndarray with the specified shape
public static INDArray rand(int[] shape) {
INDArray ret = createUninitialized(shape, order()); //INSTANCE.rand(shape, Nd4j.getRandom());
return rand(ret);
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
* Create a random ndarray with the given shape using given seed
* @param shape the shape of the ndarray
* @param seed the seed to use
* @return the random ndarray with the specified shape
public static INDArray rand(int[] shape, long seed) {
INDArray ret = createUninitialized(shape, Nd4j.order());//;INSTANCE.rand(shape, seed);
return rand(ret, seed);
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public static List<Pair<INDArray, String>> get4dReshapedWithShape(int seed, int... shape) {
int[] shape2d = {shape[0] * shape[2], shape[1] * shape[3]};
INDArray array2d = Nd4j.rand(shape2d);
INDArray array3d = array2d.reshape(ArrayUtil.toLongArray(shape));
return Collections.singletonList(new Pair<>(array3d,
"get4dReshapedWithShape(" + seed + "," + Arrays.toString(shape) + ").get(0)"));
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public static List<Pair<INDArray, String>> get5dReshapedWithShape(int seed, int... shape) {
int[] shape2d = {shape[0] * shape[2], shape[4], shape[1] * shape[3]};
INDArray array3d = Nd4j.rand(shape2d);
INDArray array5d = array3d.reshape(ArrayUtil.toLongArray(shape));
return Collections.singletonList(new Pair<>(array5d,
"get5dReshapedWithShape(" + seed + "," + Arrays.toString(shape) + ").get(0)"));
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
* Create a random ndarray with the given shape using the given seed
* @param rows the number of rows in the matrix
* @param columns the columns of the ndarray
* @param seed the seed to use
* @return the random ndarray with the specified shape
public static INDArray rand(int rows, int columns, long seed) {
INDArray ret = createUninitialized(new int[] {rows, columns}, Nd4j.order());
return rand(ret, seed);
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
* Create a random ndarray with the given shape using the given rng
* @param rows the number of rows in the matrix
* @param columns the number of columns in the matrix
* @param rng the random generator to use
* @return the random ndarray with the specified shape
public static INDArray rand(int rows, int columns, org.nd4j.linalg.api.rng.Random rng) {
INDArray ret = createUninitialized(new int[] {rows, columns}, order());//INSTANCE.rand(rows, columns, rng);
return rand(ret, rng);
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public static INDArray rand(long[] shape) {
INDArray ret = createUninitialized(shape, order()); //INSTANCE.rand(shape, Nd4j.getRandom());
return rand(ret);
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
* Create a random ndarray with the given shape using
* the current time as the seed
* @param shape the shape of the ndarray
* @return the random ndarray with the specified shape
public static IComplexNDArray complexRand(int... shape) {
INDArray based = Nd4j.rand(new int[] {1, ArrayUtil.prod(shape) * 2});
IComplexNDArray ret = Nd4j.createComplex(based.data(), shape);
return ret;