[英]Returns the data opType used for the runtime
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public ArrayDescriptor(int[] array) {
this.intArray = array;
this.dtype = DTYPE.INT;
this.bufferType = Nd4j.dataType();
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public ArrayDescriptor(long[] array) {
this.longArray = array;
this.dtype = DTYPE.LONG;
this.bufferType = Nd4j.dataType();
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public ArrayDescriptor(float[] array) {
this.floatArray = array;
this.dtype = DTYPE.FLOAT;
this.bufferType = Nd4j.dataType();
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
* Returns the data opType for this ndarray
* @return the data opType for this ndarray
public DataBuffer.Type dtype() {
return Nd4j.dataType();
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public ArrayDescriptor(double[] array) {
this.doubleArray = array;
this.dtype = DTYPE.DOUBLE;
this.bufferType = Nd4j.dataType();
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public Boolean apply(Number input) {
if (Nd4j.dataType() == DataBuffer.Type.DOUBLE)
return input.doubleValue() != value.doubleValue();
return input.floatValue() != value.floatValue();
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public Boolean apply(Number input) {
if (Nd4j.dataType() == DataBuffer.Type.DOUBLE)
return input.doubleValue() == value.doubleValue();
return input.floatValue() == value.floatValue();
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
* This method returns sizeOf(currentDataType), in bytes
* @return number of bytes per element
public static int sizeOfDataType() {
return sizeOfDataType(Nd4j.dataType());
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
protected DataBuffer.TypeEx getGlobalTypeEx() {
DataBuffer.Type type = Nd4j.dataType();
return convertType(type);
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public void init(INDArray x, INDArray y, INDArray z, long n) {
super.init(x, y, z, n);
if (Nd4j.dataType() == DataBuffer.Type.DOUBLE) {
this.extraArgs = new Object[] {zeroDouble()};
} else if (Nd4j.dataType() == DataBuffer.Type.FLOAT) {
this.extraArgs = new Object[] {zeroFloat()};
} else if (Nd4j.dataType() == DataBuffer.Type.HALF) {
this.extraArgs = new Object[] {zeroHalf()};
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
* Create double based on real and imaginary
* @param real real component
* @param imag imag component
* @return
public static IComplexNumber createComplexNumber(Number real, Number imag) {
if (dataType() == DataBuffer.Type.FLOAT)
return INSTANCE.createFloat(real.floatValue(), imag.floatValue());
return INSTANCE.createDouble(real.doubleValue(), imag.doubleValue());
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public INDArray trueScalar(Number value) {
val dtype = Nd4j.dataType();
switch (dtype) {
case DOUBLE:
return create(new double[] {value.doubleValue()}, new int[] {}, new int[] {}, 0);
case FLOAT:
return create(new float[] {value.floatValue()}, new int[] {}, new int[] {}, 0);
case HALF:
return create(new float[] {value.floatValue()}, new int[] {}, new int[] {}, 0);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported data type: [" + dtype + "]");
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
* Returns the number of bytes
* for the graph
* @return
public long memoryForGraph() {
return numElements() * DataTypeUtil.lengthForDtype(Nd4j.dataType());
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
* Create a scalar nd array with the specified value and offset
* @param value the value of the scalar
* @return the scalar nd array
public INDArray scalar(double value) {
if (Nd4j.dataType() == DataBuffer.Type.DOUBLE)
return create(new double[] {value}, new int[] {1, 1}, new int[] {1, 1}, 0);
return scalar((float) value);
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public static DataBuffer createBufferDetached(float[] data) {
DataBuffer ret;
if (dataType() == DataBuffer.Type.FLOAT)
ret = DATA_BUFFER_FACTORY_INSTANCE.createFloat(data);
else if (dataType() == DataBuffer.Type.HALF)
ret = DATA_BUFFER_FACTORY_INSTANCE.createHalf(data);
ret = DATA_BUFFER_FACTORY_INSTANCE.createDouble(ArrayUtil.toDoubles(data));
return ret;
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public static DataBuffer createBufferDetached(double[] data) {
DataBuffer ret;
if (dataType() == DataBuffer.Type.DOUBLE)
ret = DATA_BUFFER_FACTORY_INSTANCE.createDouble(data);
else if (dataType() == DataBuffer.Type.HALF)
ret = DATA_BUFFER_FACTORY_INSTANCE.createHalf(ArrayUtil.toFloats(data));
ret = DATA_BUFFER_FACTORY_INSTANCE.createFloat(ArrayUtil.toFloats(data));
return ret;
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public long getRequiredBatchMemorySize() {
long result = maxIntArrays() * maxIntArraySize() * 4;
result += maxArguments() * 8; // pointers
result += maxShapes() * 8; // pointers
result += maxIndexArguments() * 4;
result += maxRealArguments() * (Nd4j.dataType() == DataBuffer.Type.DOUBLE ? 8
: Nd4j.dataType() == DataBuffer.Type.FLOAT ? 4 : 2);
result += 5 * 4; // numArgs
return result * Batch.getBatchLimit();
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public static INDArray toNDArray(int[] nums) {
if (Nd4j.dataType() == DataBuffer.Type.DOUBLE) {
double[] doubles = ArrayUtil.toDoubles(nums);
INDArray create = Nd4j.create(doubles, new int[] {1, nums.length});
return create;
} else {
float[] doubles = ArrayUtil.toFloats(nums);
INDArray create = Nd4j.create(doubles, new int[] {1, nums.length});
return create;
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public static INDArray toNDArray(long[] nums) {
if (Nd4j.dataType() == DataBuffer.Type.DOUBLE) {
double[] doubles = ArrayUtil.toDoubles(nums);
INDArray create = Nd4j.create(doubles, new int[] {1, nums.length});
return create;
} else {
float[] doubles = ArrayUtil.toFloats(nums);
INDArray create = Nd4j.create(doubles, new int[] {1, nums.length});
return create;
代码示例来源:origin: deeplearning4j/nd4j
public static INDArray toNDArray(int[][] nums) {
if (Nd4j.dataType() == DataBuffer.Type.DOUBLE) {
double[] doubles = ArrayUtil.toDoubles(nums);
INDArray create = Nd4j.create(doubles, new int[] {nums[0].length, nums.length});
return create;
} else {
float[] doubles = ArrayUtil.toFloats(nums);
INDArray create = Nd4j.create(doubles, new int[] {nums[0].length, nums.length});
return create;