[英]Create a new YoEnum. This will call YoVariable(YoVariableType, String, String, YoVariableRegistry) with YoVariableType#ENUM and the given values.
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-footstep-planning
public AbstractWaypointsForFootstepsPlanner(String prefix, FootstepPlannerParameters parameters, YoVariableRegistry registry)
this.parameters = parameters;
yoResult = new YoEnum<>(prefix + "PathPlanningResult", registry, FootstepPlanningResult.class);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-yovariables
* Create a new YoEnum. This will call {@link YoEnum(String, YoVariableRegistry, Class)} with the given values.
* @param name String uniquely identifying this YoEnum
* @param registry YoVariableRegistry for this YoEnum to register itself to after initialization
* @param enumType the class representing the type of the enum
public static <T extends Enum<T>> YoEnum<T> create(String name, Class<T> enumType, YoVariableRegistry registry)
return new YoEnum<>(name, registry, enumType);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-yovariables
* Create a new YoEnum. This will call {@link YoEnum(String, String, YoVariableRegistry, Class, Boolean)} with the given values.
* @param name String uniquely identifying this YoEnum
* @param description String describing this YoEnum's purpose
* @param registry YoVariableRegistry for this YoEnum to register itself to after initialization
* @param enumType the class representing the type of the enum
* @param allowNullValue boolean determining if null enum values are permitted
public static <T extends Enum<T>> YoEnum<T> create(String name, String description, Class<T> enumType, YoVariableRegistry registry, boolean allowNullValue)
return new YoEnum<>(name, description, registry, enumType, allowNullValue);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-robotics-toolkit
public YoVariableComparer(YoDouble variableA, YoDouble variableB, String name, ThresholdType thresholdType, double threshold,
YoVariableRegistry registry)
this.yoVariableA = variableA;
this.yoVariableB = variableB;
this.compareType = thresholdType;
this.threshold = null;
this.nonChangingThreshold = threshold;
this.difference = new YoDouble(name, registry);
this.status = new YoEnum<CompareStatus>(name + "_status", registry, CompareStatus.class);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools
public YoVariableTogglerOutlet(String name, YoVariableRegistry parent)
toggleMode = new YoEnum<ToggleMode>(name, parent, ToggleMode.class);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/acsell
public ControlMode(String name, YoVariableRegistry registry)
controlMode = new YoEnum<>(name + "ControlMode", registry, ControlModeEnum.class, true);
thermalShutdown = new YoBoolean(name + "ThermalShutdown", registry);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-robotics-toolkit
public YoVariableComparer(YoDouble variableA, YoDouble variableB, String name, ThresholdType thresholdType, YoDouble threshold,
YoVariableRegistry registry)
this.yoVariableA = variableA;
this.yoVariableB = variableB;
this.compareType = thresholdType;
this.threshold = threshold;
this.nonChangingThreshold = Double.NaN;
this.status = new YoEnum<CompareStatus>(name + "_status", registry, CompareStatus.class);
this.difference = new YoDouble(name, registry);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-tools
public <T extends Enum<T>> EnumGlobalParameter(String name, String description, T value, GlobalParameterChangedListener listener)
super(null, listener);
YoEnum<T> yoEnum = new YoEnum<T>(name, description, registry, value.getDeclaringClass(), false);
this.yoVariable = yoEnum;
if (changedListener != null)
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-robotics-toolkit
public YoVariableLimitChecker(YoDouble variableToCheck, String prefix, double lowerLimit, double upperLimit, YoVariableRegistry registry)
status = new YoEnum<Status>(prefix + variableToCheck.getName() + "_Status", registry, Status.class);
if (upperLimit < lowerLimit)
System.out.println("YoVariableLimitChecker: Disabling limits. Upper limit needs to be greater than lower limit for variable: "
+ variableToCheck.getName());
this.lowerLimit = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
this.upperLimit = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
this.lowerLimit = lowerLimit;
this.upperLimit = upperLimit;
this.variableToCheck = variableToCheck;
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-robotics-toolkit
public GenericStateMachine(String stateYoVariableName, String switchTimeName, Class<E> enumType, E initialState, DoubleProvider timeProvider,
YoVariableRegistry registry)
stateYoVariable = new YoEnum<E>(stateYoVariableName, "State machine variable to keep track of the state.", registry, enumType, false);
previousStateYoVariable = new YoEnum<E>(stateYoVariableName + "PreviousState", "State machine variable to keep track of the previous state.",
registry, enumType, true);
enumsToStates = new EnumMap<>(enumType);
if (initialState != null)
switchTimeYoVariable = new YoDouble(switchTimeName, registry);
this.time = timeProvider;
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-robot-data-logger
private void createVariables()
for (int i = 0; i < variablesPerType; i++)
new YoBoolean("Boolean" + i, registry);
new YoDouble("Double" + i, registry);
new YoInteger("Integer" + i, registry);
new YoLong("Long" + i, registry);
new YoEnum<>("Enum" + i, registry, SomeEnum.class, random.nextBoolean());
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/valkyrie
private YoMicroStrainIMUHandleHolder(MicroStrainIMUHandle handle, IMUDefinition imuDefinition, YoVariableRegistry parentRegistry)
super(handle, imuDefinition, parentRegistry);
this.microStrainIMUHandle = handle;
filterTypeToUse = new YoEnum<>(handle.getName() + "_filterTypeToUse", parentRegistry, MicrostrainFilterType.class);
filterTypeToUse.addVariableChangedListener(new VariableChangedListener()
public void notifyOfVariableChange(YoVariable<?> v)
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-robotics-toolkit
public BacklashProcessingYoVariable(String name, String description, YoDouble velocityVariable, double dt, DoubleProvider slopTime,
YoVariableRegistry registry)
super(name, description, registry);
this.hasBeenCalled = new YoBoolean(name + "HasBeenCalled", registry);
backlashState = new YoEnum<BacklashState>(name + "BacklashState", registry, BacklashState.class, true);
timeSinceSloppy = new YoDouble(name + "TimeSinceSloppy", registry);
velocity = velocityVariable;
this.slopTime = slopTime;
this.dt = dt;
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-robotics-toolkit
public BacklashCompensatingVelocityYoVariable(String name, String description, YoDouble alphaVariable, double dt, YoDouble slopTime,
YoVariableRegistry registry)
super(name, description, registry);
this.hasBeenCalled = new YoBoolean(name + "HasBeenCalled", registry);
backlashState = new YoEnum<BacklashState>(name + "BacklashState", registry, BacklashState.class, true);
timeInState = new YoDouble(name + "timeInState", registry);
this.position = null;
this.alphaVariable = alphaVariable;
this.slopTime = slopTime;
this.dt = dt;
lastPosition = new YoDouble(name + "_lastPosition", registry);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-robotics-toolkit
public BacklashCompensatingVelocityYoVariable(String name, String description, YoDouble alphaVariable, YoDouble positionVariable, double dt,
YoDouble slopTime, YoVariableRegistry registry)
super(name, description, registry);
this.hasBeenCalled = new YoBoolean(name + "HasBeenCalled", registry);
backlashState = new YoEnum<BacklashState>(name + "BacklashState", registry, BacklashState.class, true);
timeInState = new YoDouble(name + "TimeInState", registry);
position = positionVariable;
this.alphaVariable = alphaVariable;
this.slopTime = slopTime;
this.dt = dt;
lastPosition = new YoDouble(name + "_lastPosition", registry);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-yovariables
* Creates a new YoEnum with the same parameters as this one, and registers it to the passed {@link YoVariableRegistry}.
* @param newRegistry YoVariableRegistry to duplicate this YoEnum to
* @return the newly created and registered YoEnum
@Override public YoEnum<T> duplicate(YoVariableRegistry newRegistry)
YoEnum<T> retVar = new YoEnum<>(getName(), getDescription(), newRegistry, getEnumType(), getAllowNullValue());
return retVar;
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-robotics-toolkit
public RevisedBacklashCompensatingVelocityYoVariable(String name, String description, DoubleProvider alphaVariable, YoDouble positionVariable,
double dt, DoubleProvider slopTime, YoVariableRegistry registry)
super(name, description, registry);
finiteDifferenceVelocity = new FilteredVelocityYoVariable(name + "finiteDifferenceVelocity", "", alphaVariable, dt, registry);
this.hasBeenCalled = new YoBoolean(name + "HasBeenCalled", registry);
backlashState = new YoEnum<BacklashState>(name + "BacklashState", registry, BacklashState.class, true);
timeSinceSloppy = new YoDouble(name + "TimeSinceSloppy", registry);
position = positionVariable;
this.alphaVariable = alphaVariable;
this.slopTime = slopTime;
this.dt = dt;
lastPosition = new YoDouble(name + "_lastPosition", registry);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-robotics-toolkit
public RevisedBacklashCompensatingVelocityYoVariable(String name, String description, YoDouble alphaVariable, double dt, YoDouble slopTime,
YoVariableRegistry registry)
super(name, description, registry);
finiteDifferenceVelocity = new FilteredVelocityYoVariable(name + "finiteDifferenceVelocity", "", alphaVariable, dt, registry);
this.hasBeenCalled = new YoBoolean(name + "HasBeenCalled", registry);
backlashState = new YoEnum<BacklashState>(name + "BacklashState", registry, BacklashState.class, true);
timeSinceSloppy = new YoDouble(name + "timeInState", registry);
this.position = null;
this.alphaVariable = alphaVariable;
this.slopTime = slopTime;
this.dt = dt;
lastPosition = new YoDouble(name + "_lastPosition", registry);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/ihmc-robotics-toolkit
public YoSignalDerivative(String name, YoVariableRegistry registry)
this.name = name;
differentiationMode = new YoEnum<DifferentiationMode>(name + "_differentiationMode", registry, DifferentiationMode.class);
previousDerivative = new YoDouble(name + "_previousDerivative", registry);
previousSignal = new YoDouble(name + "_previousSignal", registry);
timeAtLastSignalChange = new YoDouble(name + "_timeAtLastSignalChange", registry);
previousTime = new YoDouble(name + "_previousTime", registry);
tolerance = new YoDouble(name + "_tolerance", registry);
lastSignalChange = new YoDouble(name + "_lastSignalChange", registry);
代码示例来源:origin: us.ihmc/simulation-construction-set-test
public void setUp() throws Exception
rootRegistry = new YoVariableRegistry("root");
registryOne = new YoVariableRegistry("registryOne");
registryTwo = new YoVariableRegistry("registryTwo");
doubleVariable = new YoDouble("doubleVariable", rootRegistry);
booleanVariable = new YoBoolean("booleanVariable", registryOne);
integerVariable = new YoInteger("integerVariable", registryTwo);
enumVariable = new YoEnum<TimeScriptTestEnums>("enumVariable", registryTwo, TimeScriptTestEnums.class);